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December 2009: Daily AALT News on Twitter

AALT now has a twitter page: AALTnews. The daily twitter update contains the usage figures for the prior day. Additional updates inform users about which documents are being acquired currently and what upgrades are being made to the material currently available on the AALT under the AALT phase 2 program (the addition of various kinds of finding and navigation aids). Comments and queries are always welcome. If the AALT Phase 2 upgrades in navigational aids would be of particular use to you for a project, please let us know. We do not have the resources to respond immediately to every request, but the knowledge that a particular upgrade would be used in fact does reset priorities.

The link to AALTnews is in the "contact us" sector in the right hand columnn of Index Prime: the page right after the home page (the one with all the monarchs and site information.) You can follow and get daily updates or access occasionally.