Spring 2008 Acquisition Report
Over the spring R. Palmer, Susanne Jenks, and Lori Assa have been collecting material for the AALT. R. Palmer has arrived back in Houston on May 15. Over the succeeding
few weeks the new material will be uploaded and linked. After the upload has been completed, the site will contain approximately 2.1 million frames. The new material completes
the KB26s and the E368s for Henry III; the KB27s and E368s for Edward I; the KB27s and CP40s for early Edward III to connect to the material already on the site for Edward III;
an immense number of CP40s for the fifteenth century as well as many additional KB27s and E159s; CP40s for late Henry VII; the CP40s, KB27s, E159s, and E368s from 1542 to 1553 and some Elizabethan KB27s. There are also some additional nice runs of feet of fines.
In this upload there are no new acquisitions for the seventeenth century. The summer acquisitions will include some long runs of seventeenth-century KB27s and various equity materials,
as well as more common law material for the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.
Comments are always welcome at rpalmer@uh.edu.
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