Latin Palaeography: Document 3
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[Margination:] p(ro) Ep(iscop)o Norwic(iensis)
For the Bishop of Norwich
Rex Thes(aurio) et Baronib(us) suis de s(ca)cc(ar)io, sal(u)t(e)m. Cum nup(er) in cur(ia) n(ost)ra coram Justic(iariis) n(ost)ris de banco extit(er)it
King to his treasurer and barons of the exchequer, greetings. Whereas lately in our court before our justices of the bench it was
consideratu(m) q(uo)d om(n)ia temp(or)alia Ep(iscop)i Norwyc(i)en(sis) Ep(iscop)atus p(re)d(ic)ti p(ro) q(ui)b(us) idem Ep(iscop)us nob(is) fidelitatem fecit
considered that all the temporalities of the bishop of Norwich of the abovesaid bishopric for which that bishop did fealty to us
p(ro) quodam contemptu nob(is) f(ac)to in manu(m) n(ost)ram seiserent(ur) sive cap(er)ent(ur) p(er) quod p(er) br(ev)e n(ost)r(u)m de iudicio
for a certain contempt done to us should be seized or taken into our hand, by which by our writ of judgment
p(re)cep(er)im(us) vic(ecomiti) n(ost)ro Norf(olkie) et Suff(olkie) q(uo)d om(n)ia temp(or)alia p(re)d(ic)ta in manu(m) n(ost)ram seisiri sive capi fac(er)et
we ordered our sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk that he make to be seized or taken into our hand all the temporalities abovesaid

ita q(uo)d de exitib(us) eor(un)dem nob(is) responderet(ur); postmodu(m)que intelligentes q(uo)d idem vic(ecomes) mandatu(m) n(ost)r(u)m
such that he be answerable to us concerning the issues of the same; and afterwards learning that that sheriff our order
p(re)d(ic)t(u)m excedens q(uo)d om(n)ia bona et catalla ip(s)ius ep(iscop)I necnon eccl(es)ias ep(iscopa)tui p(re)d(ic)to appropriatas ac
abovesaid exceeding that (uselessly repeating the “that” following “learning”) all goods and chattels of that bishop as well as the churches appropriated to the bishopric and
ecia(m) t(er)ras et ten(ementa) de dotib(us) eccl(es)iar(um) p(re)d(ic)tar(um) existencia in balliva tua in manu(m) n(ost)ram capi et seisiri fecit
also the lands and tenements being of the endowments of the abovesaid churches in your bailiwick he made to be taken and seized into our hand
vicesimo die Febr(uarii) anno regni n(ost)ri Angl(ie) vicesimo p(ri)mo p(er) br(ev)e n(ost)r(u)m p(re)cep(er)im(us) tunc vic(ecomiti) n(ost)ro com(itatuum) p(re)d(ic)tor(um)
on the twentieth day of February in the twenty-first year of our reign of England by our writ we ordered then to our sheriff of the abovesaid counties

q(uo)d si bona vel catalla eiusdem Ep(iscop)i aut eccl(es)ias Ep(iscopa)tui p(re)d(ic)to appropriatas seu t(er)ras vel ten(ementa) de dotib(us)
that if goods or chattels of the same bishop or the churches appropriated to the abovesaid bishopric or lands or tenements being [comes from “existencia” in the following line] of the endowments
ear(un)dem eccl(es)iar(um) existencia aut aliqua alia ad d(ic)t(u)m Ep(iscopat)u(m) p(er)tinencia p(re)t(er) temp(or)alia eiusdem p(ro) quib(us)
of the same churches or anything else pertaining to the the said bishopric except the temporalities of the same for which
nob(is) fidelitatem fecit ut p(re)d(ic)t(u)m est p(re)textu mandati p(re)d(ic)ti cep(er)it in manu(m) n(ost)ram tunc ea eidem
he did fealty to us as has been said above by pretext of the abovesaid mandate he took into our hand, then those things to the same
Ep(iscop)o vel ei(us) in hac p(ar)te attorn(ato) una cu(m) exitib(us) de d(ic)tis eccl(esi)is et dotib(us) ear(un)dem p(er) ip(su)m vic(ecomitem) p(er)ceptis
bishop or his attorney in this part together with the issues of the said said churches and the endowments of the same taken by that sheriff

restitueret indilate sicut p(er) inspexc(i)o(n)em rot(u)lor(um) cancell(arie) n(ost)re nob(is) constat et licet Willelmus de
restore without delay as it appears by to us by inspection of the rolls of our chancery, and although William de
Middelton’ tunc vic(ecomes) com(itatuum) p(re)d(ic)tor(um) lxx et octo solid(os) unum denari(um) et j q(uadrantam) quos de redditu p(er)sonatus de
Middleton then sheriff of the abovesaid counties seventy-eight shillings one pence and a farthing which from the rent of the parsonage of
Hoxne ad pascha anno r(egni) n(ostri) Angl(ie) xxj et quatuor libr(as) duos denar(ios) j obolum et j q(uadrantam) quos de eodem
Hoxne at Easter in the twenty-first year of our reign of England and four pounds two pence one obol and one farthing which from the same
redditu ad f(estu)m s(anc)ti Mich(aelis) tunc p(ro)x(imo) sequ(ens) et q(ui)nq(ua)ginta et sex s(olidos) et octo denar(ios) quos de firma uni(us)
rent at the feast of St Michael then next following and fifty-six shillings and eight pence which from the farm of one

molendini apud Hoxne et q(ui)nq(ue) solid(os) vij d(enarios) et j ob(olum) quos de sexaginta et trib(us) gallinis et centu(m)
mill at Hoxne and five shillings seven pence and one obol which from sixty-three hens and one hundred
ovis ibidem et t(ri)ginta et sex solidos j ob(olum) et j q(uadrantam) quos de q(uadra)ginta et septem arrur(is) xx et vj av(er)ag(iis)
eggs there and thirty-six shillings one obol and 1 farthing which from forty-seven plough services and twenty-six carrying services
octingentis quat(er)viginti et decem et novem op(er)ib(us) yemal(ibus) viginti et quatuor operibus lunar(), lx et
eight hundred ninety-nine winter works, twenty-four monthly works, sixty-
trib(us) op(er)ib(us) vocatis Daywynes quat(er)viginti et nove(m) sarclature et dimid(ium) ibidem et tresdecim solidos et iiij
three works called daywynes eighty nine and a half weeding works there and thirteen shillings and four

denarios quos de herbag(io) ibidem et xv solid(os) quos de am(er)ciamentis ho(min)um p(er)cepit p(re)fato ep(iscop)o v(ir)tute mand(a)ti
pence which from the herbage there and fifteen shillings which from the amercements of men he took, he to the aforementioned bishop by virtue of the mandate
n(ost)ri p(re)d(ic)ti lib(er)avit, vos nichilomin(us) sum(m)as p(re)d(ic)tas p(re)fato Will(elm)o in comp(oto) suo ad d(ic)t(a)m scaccariam
of ours abovesaid delivered, nonetheless the abovesaid sums to the aforementioned William in his account at the said exchequer you
allocare distulisti et adhuc differtis in ip(s)ius Will(elm)I dampnu(m) no(n) modicu(m) et gravamen, nos
have delayed to allocate and still delay to the no small damage and harm of that William, we,
nolentes eidem Will(elm)o iniuriari in hac p(ar)te vob(is) mandam(us) q(uo) si vob(is) constit(er)it su(m)mas
not wanting that William to be injured in this part, order you that if it appear to you that the sums

p(re)d(ic)tas p(re)fato ep(iscop)o p(er) d(ict)u(m) Will(elmu)m sic lib(er)atas de sp(iritu)alib(us ep(iscop)atus p(re)d(ic)ti levatas fuisse, tunc easde(m)
abovesaid thus delivered to the aforementioned bishop by the said Wiliam were levied from the spiritualities of the abovesaid bishopric, then make [from following line] the same
su(m)mas p(re)fato Will(elm)o in comp(oto) suo ad d(ic)t(a)m s(ca)cc(ar)iu(m) allocari et ip(su)m inde exon(er)ari fac(ere). T(este) me
sums to be allocated to the aformentioned William in his account at the said exchequer and make him to be exonerated thereof. Witness me
ip(s)o apud West(monasteriu)m x die Jun(ii) anno r(egni) n(ostri) Angl(ie) vicesimo quarto r(egni) vero n(ostri) Franc(ie) undecimo.
myself at Westminster on the tenth day of June in the twenty-fourth year of our reign of England truly the eleventh year of our reign of France.
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