Suggestions for Viewing
Finding a particular page. Most documents on AALT are separated into two sides, fronts and backs, because the documents are not unbound. The blue and red markers (designating page numbers of multiples of 10 and 50) help users match up corresponding fronts and backs. Furthermore, the thumbnail pages are now limited to 200 thumbnails per page, and since on average each side of a plea roll takes two pictures, one can estimate which thumbnail page to access. The limitation of 200 thumbnails per page also makes each thumbnail larger, so that the blue and red markers are more easily seen.
Browsing documents. If you are not looking for a particular page, but rather working through a document, arrows at the top of each page allow you to progress from one image to the next in a single folder without returning to the thumbnail page.
Another good strategy for reading the document as a whole is to use two browser windows. The first window contains the folder with the images of the fronts; the second window contains the folder for the backs. You can alternate between windows and thus work your way through the document without laborious searching. This procedure works equally well whether
you are working through the document online or on your computer after downloading documents.
Richard II images converted from microfilm (CP40/468 through CP40/541) pose a particular challenge, because the images are very large. So far, we have been unable to persuade IE to load these images. They will load in Firefox with a noticeable delay. Sometimes one has to click on "View Image" in order to get them to appear. Zooming to the smallest that the program will allow produces an image that is acceptable for browsing.
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