Nicholas Borrowes of Banbury, yeoman v. Ralph Dixe of Banbury, tanner, and Mary his wife late the wife of Thomas Pynder
Banbury attorneys: Fulk Wynge, James Allen
Error in king's bench (Michaelmas term, 1607) on an action in the court of Banbury, Oxfordshire
AALT images for Borrowes v. Dixe This action of error on a suit of trespass on the case in the court of
Banbury sought payment of a debt from the re-married
widow/executor of the debtor. The assigned issues raised the issue of
sufficiency of consideration, but also questioned whether the suit of
trespass on the case had to designate the widow precisely as executor
as would have been typical in an action of debt. The lord king sent to the bailiff, two aldermen, and two burgesses, and
seneschal or his deputy of the court of the borough and parish of
Banbury in the county of Oxfordshire his writ close in these words: James by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland defender of the faith etc., to the bailiff, two aldermen, two
burgesses, and seneschal or his deputy of the court of the borough
and parish of Banbury in the county of Oxfordshire, greetings.
Because in the record and process and also in the rendering of
judgment of a plea that was before you in our court of the borough
and parish abovesaid without our writ according to the custom of
the borough and parish abovesaid between Nicholas Borrowes and
Ralph Dixe and Mary his wife concerning a certain trespass on the
case inflicted on the same Nicholas by the aforementioned Mary as
it is said manifest error intervened to the grave damage of the same
Ralph and Mary as we have received from their complaints, we,
wanting the error if any there was to be corrected in due manner
and full and swift justice to be done to the abovesaid parties in this
part, order you that if judgment has been rendered thereof, then
you should send distinctly and openly the record and process of the
abovesaid plea with everything touching them to us under your
seals, and this writ, so that we have them on the Octaves of
Michaelmas wherever we shall then be in England, so that, the
abovesaid record and process having been inspected, we may make
to be done further thereof for the correction of that error what of
right and according to the law and custom of our realm of England
should be done. Tested me myself at Westminster June 22 in the
5th year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of
Scotland. [June 22, 1607]Ravenscrofte The record and process of which mention is made in the abovesaid writ
follow in these words: The Borough and Parish of Banbury. At the court within the
borough and parish of the county abovesaid held in the townhall
there on Monday, viz., March 2 in the 4th year of the reign of our
Lord James by the grace of God kind of England, France, and
Ireland and the 40th of Scotland [March 2, 1607] before Thomas
Halhed bailiff of the borough and parish of the abovesaid Thomas
Whabeley and John Gille aldermen there, Robert Bentley and
Bartholomew Nayler burgesses there, and Nicholas Austen deputy
of the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish abovesaid it
is entered thus: Nicholas Borrowes of Banbury in the county of Oxfordshire
yeoman complains against Ralph Dixe of the town and
county abovesaid tanner and Mary his wife of a plea of
trespass on his case returnable at the next court. Pledges to
prosecute: John Doo, Richard Roo. The same court of the said lord king held there on Monday, viz.,
March 23 in the abovesaid year before the aforementioned bailiff,
Thomas Webbe and Robert Russell aldermen there, Edward Man
and Edward Wysdome burgesses there and the aforementioned
deputy of the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish
abovesaid it is entered thus: And now here at this court before the aforementioned bailiff,
aldermen, and burgesses and the aforementioned deputy of
the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish
abovesaid come both the aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes
by Fulk Wynge his attorney and the abovesaid Ralph Dixe
and Mary his wife by James Allen his attorney. And John
Perryn serjeant at mace of the borough and parish abovesaid
now returns that he summoned the abovesaid Ralph Dixe and
Mary his wife to be here at this court to answer the
aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes concerning the abovesaid
plea as it was ordered to him. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph Dixe and Mary find
for the aforementioned bailiff sufficient mainprise,viz., John
Dor and Richard Bor, who mainpern for them that they will
stand to right in the abovesaid court on the abovesaid
complaint and make no default at any day thereof given to
them nor withdraw themselves nor absent themselves from
the execution of their judgment thereof if it should be
rendered against them thereof under penalty of incurring the
same execution to be made of their body, lands, tenements,
goods, and chattels if it happen that the abovesaid Ralph Dixe
and Mary at any day of the plea thereof make a default or
absent themselves from receiving and awaiting the execution
of their judgment thereof rendered against them etc. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph Dixe and Mary
according to the custom of the abovesaid borough put in their
place James Allen against the abovesaid Borrowes in the
abovesaid plea. And the aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes puts in his
place Fulk Wynge against the abovesaid Ralph Dixe and
Mary in the same plea. And thereon the abovesaid Nicholas by his abovesaid
attorney narrates against the abovesaid Ralph and Mary in
these words: Ralph Dixe of Banbury in the county of Oxfordshire
tanner and Mary his wife were summoned to answer
Nicholas Borrowes of the town and county abovesaid
yeoman concerning a plea of trespass on the case. And
whereof the same Nicholas Borrowes by Fulk Wynge
his attorney says that, whereas Thomas Pynder late of
Banbury abovesaid in the county abovesaid haberdasher
deceased on May 16 in the 2nd year of the reign of our
lord James by the grace of God king of England,
France, and Ireland and the 37th of Scotland [May 16,
1604] in the life of the same Thomas at Banbury
abovesaid within the jurisdiction of this court borrowed
from the aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes 30s of the
lawful money of England to be paid to the same
Nicholas when he should be required thereof, and
afterwards before the payment of the said sum of 30s
the abovesaid Thomas died; after whose certain death
sufficient goods and chattels that were of the same
Thomas came into the hands of the abovesaid Mary
relict of the said Thomas for administration thereof; and
thereafter afterwards, scilt., May 10 in the 3rd year of
the reign of said now lord king of England, France, and
Ireland and the 38th of Scotland [May 10, 1605], the
abovesaid Mary in her widowhood at Banbury
abovesaid within the jurisdiction of this court in
consideration that sufficient goods and chattels of the
abovesaid Thomas Pynder late her husband deceased
came to the hands of the abovesaid Mary after the death
of the same Thomas, undertook on herself to satisfy the
aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes of the abovesaid
sum of 30s of the lawful money of England and
faithfully promised then and there to the same Nicholas
that she the same Mary would pay the aforementioned
Nicholas the abovesaid sum of 30s of the lawful money
of England when she should be required thereof;
nevertheless the abovesaid Mary in her widowhood and
the abovesaid Ralph and Mary after espousals between
them celebrated although often required have not yet
rendered the abovesaid sum of 30s to the same Nicholas
but the abovesaid Mary in her widowhood and the
abovesaid Ralph and Mary after the espousals
celebrated between them to this time have refused to
pay the same sum of 30s to the aforementioned
Nicholas and still refuse, to the damage of the same
Nicholas of 40s of the lawful money of England, and
thereof he produces his suit etc. Pledges to prosecute:
John Doo, Richard Roo. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph [IMG 0395] and Mary by
their abovesaid attorneys seek license to emparl thereof here
until the next court on Monday in three weeks, April 13 next
to come [April 13, 1607] and then to answer etc. And they
have it etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned
Nicholas here etc. The same court of the said lord king held there on Monday, viz.,
April 13 in the 5th year of the reign of the same our Lord James
king of England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland
[April 13, 1607] before the aforementioned deputy of the seneschal
of the court of the borough and parish abovesaid it is entered thus: And now here at this court before the aforementioned bailiff,
aldermen, and burgesses and the aforementioned deputy of
the seneschal of the borough and parish abovesaid come the
aforementioned Ralph Dixe and Mary his wife by James
Allen his abovesaid attorney. And they say that the
abovesaid Mary did not undertake on herself or faithfully
promise the aforementioned Nicholas in manner and form as
the abovesaid Nicholas Borrowes above narrated against
them. And of this they put themselves on the countryside.
And the abovesaid Nicholas similarly. Therefore it is ordered to John Perryn serjeant at mace of the
abovesaid borough and parish that he should make to come
here at the next court on Monday in three weeks, viz., May 4
next to come [May 4, 1607] 12 etc., by whom etc., and who
neither etc., to recognize etc., because both etc. The same
day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc. And at the court of the said lord king held there on May 4 in the
last abovesaid year [May 4, 1607] before the aforementioned
bailiff, George Nicolls and Robert Russell aldermen there, John
Halhed and Edward Man burgesses there and the aforementioned
deputy of the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish
abovesaid it is entered thus: And now here at this court before the aforementioned bailiff,
aldermen, and burgesses and the aforementioned deputy of
the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish
abovesaid come the aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes by
Fulk Wynge his abovesaid attorney and the abovesaid Ralph
Dixe and Mary his wife by James Allen their abovesaid
attorney. And thereon the jury between the abovesaid parties
is put in respite here until the next court on Monday in three
weeks, viz., May 25 next to come. Therefore as formerly it is
ordered to John Perryn serjeant at mace of the borough and
parish abovesaid that he should make to come here at the
abovesaid court 12 etc., by whom etc., and who neither etc.,
to recognize etc., because both etc. The same day is given to
the parties abovesaid here etc. And at the court of the said lord king held there on Monday,
viz., May 25 in the last abovesaid year [May 25, 1607] before
the aforementioned bailiff, John Gill and George Nicholle
aldermen there, George Moseley and Edward Wysdome
burgesses there and the aforementioned deputy of the
seneschal of the court of the borough and parish abovesaid it
is entered thus: A venire facias directed to John Perryn serjeant at mace
of the borough and parish abovesaid between Nicholas
Borrowes of Banbury in the county of Oxfordshire
yeoman plaintiff and Ralph Dixe of the town and
county abovesaid tanner and Mary his wife defendants
in a plea of trespass on the case. And now at this court before the aforementioned bailiff,
aldermen and burgesses and the aforementioned deputy
of the seneschal of the court of the borough and parish
abovesaid come the aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes
by Fulk Wynge his abovesaid attorney and the
abovesaid Ralph Dixe and Mary his wife by James
Allen his abovesaid attorney. And the aforementioned
John Perryn serjeant at mace of the borough and parish
abovesaid now returns his precept of venire facias
directed to him in the abovesaid form served and
executed in everything together with the panel of the
names of the jurors annexed to the same precept, 12 of
whom, viz., John Symons, George Robyns mercer,
Edward Williamson, John Shirwood, William
Goodwyn, Clement Jorden, Henry Dudley, William
Cowper, Robert Ambros, John Goodwyn, Andrew Hall
and Richard Rogers appeared, who, solemnly exacted,
come and chosen tried and sworn to tell the truth of and
on the premisses, say on their oath that the abovesaid
Mary undertook on herself and faithfully promised the
same Nicholas in the manner and form as the
aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes above in his
narration abovesaid against the same [IMG 1318]
Ralph and Mary complained. And they assess the
damages for the plaintiff by the abovesaid occasion at
30s of the lawful money of England beyond his outlays
and costs put out by him on his suit in this part, and for
those outlays and costs at 14s 10d. Therefore it is considered by the court that the
abovesaid Nicholas recover against the abovesaid Ralph
and Mary his damages abovesaid together with the
abovesaid outlays and costs assessed by the abovesaid
jurors in the abovesaid form, and the abovesaid Ralph
and Mary in mercy thereof 2d etc. Let the execution
thereof cease here until the next court on Monday in
three weeks, viz., June 15 next to come [June 15, 1607]. At which certain said lord king’s then next court held there before
the aforementioned bailiff, Nierden Edens and Thomas Webbe
aldermen there, John Wynge and Robert Bentley burgesses there,
and the aforementioned deputy of the seneschal of the court of the
borough and parish abovesaid comes Ralph Dixe for his abovesaid
damages of 30s together with his abovesaid outlays and costs of
14s10d adjudicated to the same Nicholas in the abovesaid court
against the same Ralph and Mary his wife in the abovesaid plea,
and it is granted to him. And thereon it is ordered to John Perryn serjeant at mace of
the abovesaid borough and parish that he take the abovesaid Ralph
Dixe if he is found in his bailiwick and guard him safely so that he
have his body here at the next court on Monday in three weeks,
viz., July 6 next to come [July 6, 1607] to satisfy the
aforementioned Nicholas Borrowes of the abovesaid damages,
outlays, and costs. At which certain said lord king’s court here held there on Monday,
scilt., July 6 in the last specified year [July 6, 1607] before the
aforementioned bailiff, Edward Eden and John Gill aldermen there,
Thomas Foster and John Pym burgesses there, and the
aforementioned deputy of the seneschal of the court of the
abovesaid borough and parish comes the aforementioned Nicholas
Borrowes by Fulk Wynge his abovesaid attorney, and he seeks his
abovesaid damages of 30s together with his abovesaid outlays and
costs of 14s10d against the abovesaid Ralph. And the
aforementioned John Perryn serjeant at mace of the abovesaid
borough and parish now returns that the abovesaid Ralph Dixe is
not found in his bailiwick. And afterwards in this same court here comes James Allen
the abovesaid attorney of the abovesaid Ralph Dixe and Mary his
wife and delivered then and there in the same court to the
aforementioned bailiff, aldermen, and burgesses and deputy of the
seneschal of the abovesaid borough and parish on the part of the
said Ralph and Mary the abovesaid writ of the said now lord king
for correcting an error, which certain writ annexed to this tenor of
the abovesaid record we the aforementioned bailiff, aldermen, and
burgesses and the aforementioned deputy of the seneschal of the
court of the abovesaid borough and parish send distinctly and
openly under our seals to the most excellent lord king together with
the record and process of the abovesaid plea with everything
touching them at the day specified in the same writ wherever then
he will be in England, which certain premisses being or are the
whole record and process and judgment and everything touching
them that were there in the said lord king’s court of his borough
and parish abovesaid with the same lord king’s writ between the
abovesaid parties according to the custom of the borough and
parish abovesaid at the time of the reception of the writ of the same
lord king annexed to this record that we the aforementioned bailiff,
aldermen, and burgesses and deputy of the seneschal of the court
of the abovesaid borough and parish by virtue of the abovesaid
writ with the due reverence of which we are able send to the same
lord king at the day contained in the same writ wherever then he
shall be in England as it was ordered to us by that writ. Afterwards, scilt., Thursday next after the morrow of All Souls this same
term before the lord king at Westminster come the abovesaid Ralph Dixe
and Mary his wife in their proper persons. And immediately they say
that in the record and process abovesaid as well as in the rendering of the
abovesaid judgment manifestly it was erred in this, viz., that the abovesaid judgment was rendered for the abovesaid
Nicholas Borrowes against the same Ralph and Mary where by the
law of the land of the realm of England it ought to have been
rendered for the same Ralph and Mary against the aforementioned
Nicholas, because there was not had any sufficient consideration
mentioned in the abovesaid record to burden the same Mary for the
payment of the abovesaid debt by the law of this realm of England, and for this that by the abovesaid record it does not appear that the
administration of the goods and chattels that were Thomas
Pynder’s at the time of his death was committed to the same Mary
after the death of the abovesaid Thomas, and for this that the abovesaid Nicholas did not narrate against the
same Mary as administrator of the goods and chattels of the
abovesaid Thomas Pynder as by the law of the land of this realm of
England he ought to have narrated. Therefore for these causes
manifestly it was erred. Likewise it was erred in this that whereas the abovesaid Nicholas
by the abovesaid narration demonstrated that after the death of the
abovesaid Thomas Pynder sufficient goods and chattels that were
the same Thomas’s came to the hands of the abovesaid Mary relict
of the said Thomas for the administration of money, and for this
there is not had any certitude of the place where the goods and
chattels that were the abovesaid Thomas’s came to the hands to the
abovesaid Mary after the death of the same Thomas. Therefore in
this it was manifestly erred. And they seek a writ of the lord king to warn the abovesaid Nicholas to
be before the lord king to hear the record and process abovesaid. And it
is granted to them etc., whereby it is ordered to the sheriff of
Oxfordshire that by prudent etc., he make known to the aforementioned
Nicholas that he be before the lord king on the Octaves of Hilary
wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if etc., and
further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned Ralph and
Mary etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster come the abovesaid
Ralph and Mary in their proper persons. And the sheriff did not send
thereof the writ. And the abovesaid Nicholas on the 4th day of the plea,
solemnly exacted, comes by John Badger his attorney. Thereon the
abovesaid Ralph and Mary as before say that in the record and process
abovesaid as well as in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment it was
manifestly erred by alleging the errors alleged above by them in the
abovesaid form [IMG 1319], and they seek that the abovesaid judgment
on account of the abovesaid errors and others found in the abovesaid
record and process be revoked, annulled, and completely had for
nothing, and that the court of the said lord king here proceed to the
examination both of the record and process abovesaid and of the
abovesaid errors, and that the abovesaid Nicholas rejoin to the abovesaid
errors. And the abovesaid Nicholas says that neither in the record and
process abovesaid nor in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment was it
erred in anything. And he seeks that the court of the same lord king here
proceed to the examination both of the record and process abovesaid and
of the abovesaid errors assigned by the abovesaid Ralph and Mary, and
that the abovesaid judgment be affirmed in everything etc. And because
the court of the said lord king [at his point the enrollment simply stops.]