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Town Courts in Early Modern England and Wales

Robert C. Palmer

The central court records of England are a primary source for the activities of town courts. Although worthless for statistical treatment of what an individual court handled, actions of error in king's bench and actions for perjury in either common pleas or king's bench retail the process of individual cases over multiple sessions of a local court in complete detail. They also show the kind of regulation under which town courts operated, that is, the degree to which, despite assertions of local customs and privileges, the courts were actually ruled by the common law overseen by the king's central courts.

The cases are not actually numerous, but neither are they rare. This site will gather together actions retailing the activity of town courts and the central oversight of town courts from various times. For a reasonable number of towns, cases survive at various times, some of them for towns for which records have not otherwise survived. The aim is an assessment of town court records and operations at various times and about how those operations changed over time, but particularly about the degree to which the town courts became integrated into the common law.

Beginning in the middle of the fourteenth century, the "courts of record" (primarily borough courts but also some manors) became part of the common law system. They were subject to the "law of the land" through the writ of error and handled the same range and variety of cases as did the court of common pleas at Westminster. The writ of error, despite the occasional use for other central courts, regularly handled complaints about judgments only in the court of common pleas and in these courts of record. Local custom, regularly cited in these courts of record, normally applied to times and place of meeting and selection of officers. Otherwise, the citation of local custom normally identified practices identical to those of the court of common pleas. The writ of error imposed central courts standards in regard to process, enrollment (insofar as it determined the identification of discontinuances), and substantive law. Deviation from central court standards (what naturally would be regarded as "local custom") had to be clearly identified and defended; not much of that kind of local custom appears in these records. Just as early modern governance distributed courts of equity across the country and thus increased both access and control, the common law through the integration of the courts of record distributed the common law throughout the realm. The effect was even greater than might at first be supposed, because the jurisdiction of these courts of record was not determined by residence, but by the location of the making of the contract or the infliction of the injury: local courts of record could and often did handle disputes between non-residents. The records of the various courts of record simply did not vary much, except early on in Wales and in the manor courts that were also courts of record. Most courts could have derived their enrollment styles from a common manual, altered only to provide for the times of meeting and variety of officials.

If that conclusion is true and the central courts integrated the local courts of record into a national common law system, then the expansion of local attorneys into a common pleas practice in the second half of the sixteenth century is all the more plausible. Local attorneys would already have been familiar with the forms and procedures of the common law. The primary impediments to local attorneys adding central court cases would have been familiarization with the offices at Westminster, the rigors of travel, and the interplay (which would have been optional for any given attorney) of common law and equity.

Likewise, the localization of the common law and the consequent great expansion in the number of people administering it and thus becoming familiar with its requirements provides a nice explanation of the prominence that the "law of the land" gained in early modern English thought.

County courts (Welsh and English) appear at the bottom of this page

Links to cases of the same town at a similar date are often included at the end of the pages linked here

         1417: assize of novel disseisin
         1639: debt

         1607: indebitatus assumpsit

         1607: debt

         1641: debt

         1571: indebitatus assumpsit
         1640: defamation

         1467: detinue
         1549: debt
         1637: trespass

         1350: fresh force
         1367: covenant
         1390: fresh force
         1392: debt on an obligation
         1397: repair
         1411: debt on a conditional obligation
         1417: debt on an accounting
         1442: trespass
         1451: debt
         1463: debt
         1477: debt
         1494: trespass and deceit
         1538: debt on an obligation (arbitration performance bond); law merchant; pie powder court; customary procedure; certiorari; correction of
                defective record
         1555: debt
         1561: debt
         1571: debt on a contract; discordance between date and day of week; divergence between the spelling of jurors' names in panel and jury listing
         1607: debt; process against non-residents; treatment of goods attached

         1606: trespass on the case

         1373: entry cui in vita
         1414: novel disseisin
         1547: withernam

         1384: trespass taking of goods, loss of service; record by accedas ad curiam
         1465: debt
         1541: debt on an obligation, habeas corpus
         1555: trespass breach of close
         1571: indebitatus assumpsit; local ordinance, proper jury process
         1607: debt; leaseholds; correction of defective record
         1639: assumpsit

    Isle of Ely
         1638: trespass breach of close

    Connerton manor
         1610: debt

         1609: debt

         1551: defamation; six person jury

         1638: trespass on the case

         1381: trespass taking of goods and chattels, loss of service

         1607: debt on a contract and on an accounting; spare record; rapid process
         1638: account

         1642: debt

    Tregoney Pomery manor
         1570: debt
         1607: trespass on the case (defamation); six-person jury

    Trematon Castle manor
         1557: trespass on the case
         1571: debt; proper civil procedure; jury adherence to issue; bills of exception in local courts

         1570: debt

         1561: trespass breach of close
         1566: defamation
         1608: debt on an obligation (performance bond for delivery of lead)
         1637: trespass on the case

         1556: indebitatus assumpsit
         1569: debt
         1607: debt on a contract; re-pleading
         1642: indebitatus assumspit

         1608: indebitatus assumpsit

         1391: writ of right in the form of formedon in the descender
         1401: trespass assault
         1497: debt
         1538: debt on a contract; English pleading without attorneys; court-managed arbitration; discontinuance; common law standards about amercements
         1550: debt
         1640: debt

         1399: fresh force
         1411: writ of right
         1436: trespass
         1493: replevin
         1509: debt
         1550: covenant
         1551: covenant
         1573: debt
         1637: debt on an obligation          1639: indebitatus assumpsit          1639a: trespass on the case          1639b: indebitatus assumpsit

         1609: debt

         1511: debt on an obligation
         1572: debt
         1640: debt

    South Molton
         1638: debt

         1559: trespass assault

         1552: debt qui tam
         1571: debt on a bill; local court paper pleading; certiorari; authority of the court; specification of presiding officers

         1640: debt

    Lyme Regis
         1606: indebitatus assumpsit

         1573: debt

         1607: indebitatus assumpsit; allocation of damages

    Weymouth Melcombe Regis
         1641: indebitatus assumpsit

         1407: trespass breach of close
         1432: trespass breach of close
         1440: trespass on the case
         1466: debt on an obligation
         1475: debt
         1482: debt
         1560: indebitatus assumpsit
         1608: conversion sur trover, habeas corpus
         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

    Havering atte Bower
         1493: debt
         1572: debt

         1560: indebitatus assumpsit

         1560: debt on an obligation

         1537: "covenant"; process in Wales, authority of court, six-person jury

         1398: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1454: assumpsit
         1461: trespass assault and goods taken
         1479: trespass assault and goods taken
         1486: debt
         1551: trespass on the case
         1569: debt

    Slaughter hundred
         1636: trespass assault and false imprisonment

    St. Briavel
         1573: covenant

         1640: trespass on the case

         1386: right
         1397: goods seized during litigation
         1399: covenant
         1449: cessavit per biennium by writ of right
         1458: trespass
         1489: debt
         1508: debt on a contract
         1538: debt in pie powder court; procedure for defaulting merchant, assigned errors of extreme specificity
         1573: debt

         1368: debt
         1404: debt
         1467: debt
         1556: trespass on the case
         1560: debt
         1571: debt in the Cheyney court; central court interruption of local courts by multiple certiorari; liability of mainpernors
         1640: trespass on the case in the Cheyney court

         1448: trespass
         1456: trespass taking of goods
         1465: trespass taking of goods
         1478: maintenance
         1513: covenant
         1537: covenant on an oral agreement to pay under local custom, pie powder court,
         1554: covenant
         1574: trespass assault
         1607: account; whether common law or special custom determines initial process in account

         1407: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1426: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1536: debt; spare record; wager of law; authority of court

         1641: indebitatus assumspit

         1608: debt

         1573: debt

    St. Albans
         1572: trespass on the case

         1573: debt on an obligation
         1608: trespass on the case; appropriate initial process

         1369: novel disseisin (by attaint)

         1306: fresh force
         1321: fresh force
         1391: trespass assault
         1398: trespass
         1404: debt by attaint
         1416: debt
         1427: debt
         1437: debt on a contract (by attaint)
         1439: trespass by false judgment on case in Canterbury Palace
         1457: trespass false imprisonment
         1459: qui tam maintenance
         1560: debt on an obligation
         1571: trespass on the case; pie powder court; pleading forms; process on Bill of Middlesex
         1639 (High Court): dower;   1639: indebitatus assumpsit;    1639b: conversion sur trover;    1639c (High Court): indebitatus assumpsit

         1606: assumpsit on marriage agreement

         1466: trespass on the case
         1477: debt
         1552: debt
         1608: debt; loans of a minor's money by parent, special verdict

    Wye manor
         1405: entry cui in vita by claim of court
         1608: replevin, paper pleading, usury statute
         1638: indebitatus assumspit

         1571: debt on a marriage negotiation, town court jurisdiction, habeas corpus cum causa; central court litigation interrupted town court litigation
         1640: indebitatus assumpsit

         1571: covenant; appropriate first stage of process; form of judgment

         1370: debt
         1378: trespass breach of close, taking of goods and chattels
         1389: debt;    1390: fresh force
         1403: covenant
         1446: indebitatus assumpsit
         1456: fresh force
         1462: trespass taking of goods and chattels
         1478: account
         1496: trespass assault, taking of goods, false imprisonment
         1552: indebitatus assumpsit ("debt")
         1607: defamation; expedited civil procedure; sworn evidence in city court

    Lincoln Cathedral
         1430: trespass


         1325: replevin
[Not cases of error
         1339: execution of a will
         1639   1639a]

    Tower of London

    [Middlesex county court
         1459: replevin by recordari facias]

    St. Katherine by the Tower
         1571: conversion sur trover

         1541: debt; six-person jury
         1551: debt
         1571: debt
         1639,    1639a: indebitatus assumpsit for medical care

         1570: conversion sur bailment

         1556: debt
         1572: debt

         1549: debt

         1608: debt
         1640: debt

         1607: trespass on the case; six-person jury; necessity for consideration to be pleaded

    Castle Rising
         1607: debt on an obligation; appropriate initial process in debt; flexibility in process

    Great Yarmouth
         1363: fresh force
         1371: trespass
         1397: account
         1454: debt
         1493: debt
         1511: debt on an accounting
         1571: trespass on the case (defamation); defamation justification
         1638: debt

    King's Lynn
         1448: trespass assault
         1460: debt
         1465: debt on a contract
         1540: debt on a contract; authority of court
         1571: debt on a qui tam statute information
         1638: debt on an obligation

         1405: covenant
         1437: fresh force
         1447: fresh force
         1456: debt on an obligation
         1465: debt
         1474: debt
         1483: debt
         1496: debt
         1504: debt on an obligation
         1509: trespass breach of close
         1538: conversion; form for proper enrollment of procedure
         1551: trespass on the case
         1571: debt; writs of habeas corpus cum causa from exchequer, common pleas, and king's bench; mainpernors
         1607: indebitatus assumpsit; mainpernors; multiple actions for same subject matter
         1639: debt

    Norwich Cathdral Piepowder court
         1447: debt on an obligation

         1570: indebitatus assumpsit
         1638: trespass on the case

         1607: trespass on the case
         1639: debt on a contract

    Higham Ferrers
         1557: trespass

         1388: assize of novel disseisin on claim of court
         1389: assize of novel disseisin on claim of court (by attaint)
         1538: debt on a contract; supplementary record from the court for an attorney warrant
         1550: covenant
         1571: ejectment; adherence to central court pleading conventions
         1639: defamation;          1639a: indebitatus assumpsit

    Newcastle Upon Tyne
         1367: fresh force
         1444: debt on an accounting
         1494: debt
         1637: debt on a contract;    1638: conversion sur trover

    Honor of Peverel at Nottingham Castle
         1638: indebitatus assumpsit

         1396: trespass asssault
         1548: debt on an obligation
         1561: debt

         1607: trespass on the case for payment from an executor; sufficiency of consideration

         1327: writ of right; concord
         1339: fresh force
         1361: novel disseisin by writ of right
         1369: novel disseisin (by certiorari)
         1375: assize of novel disseisin by writ of right
         1382: fresh force
         1395: fresh force by writ of right
         1406: debt (University jurisdiction)
         1415: debt on an obligation
         1427: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1539: debt on a contract; arbitration award; two interruptions by certiorari
         1560: detinue
         1574: defamation

         1555: debt

    New Woodstock
         1571: debt on an obligation          1608: debt on an obligation; authority of the court; discontinuance; paper pleading

    Bishops Castle
         1607: defamation
         1640: conversion sur trover

         1640: trespass on the case

         1537: debt on a contract for rent on land; fairly informal record; full schedule of costs
         1549: debt on a contract
         1571: debt on a contract; incomplete damage award; discontinuance
         1607: debt on successive contracts; precision in dating and naming
         1638: indebitatus assumpsit

         1549: debt on an obligation
         1571: replevin; role of seneschal/recorder, certiorari
         1638: trespass assault

    Much Wenlock
         1512: trespass assault
         1552: debt
         1638: conversion sur trover

         1606: debt

         1382: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1390: debt by justicies writ and claim of court, correction of record
         1407: novel disseisin by claim of court (by attaint)
         1482: trespass breach of close and abduction of female servant
         1509: entry sur disseisin/common recovery
         1537: trespass; careful adherence to logical pleading forms
         1553: indebitatus assumpsit
         1559: debt on an obligation
         1571: debt; adherence to pleading forms; debts of ancestors
         1608: trespass on the case; liability of serjeant at mace to plaintiff for not executing process
         1639: debt

         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

         1344: fresh force (by certiorari)
         1561: defamation
         1573: debt
         1641: debt

         1382: waste by claim of court

    Pensford (Honor of Gloucester)
         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

         1571: debt; appropriate first stage of process; necessity of specialty for rent from a leasehold
         1639: debt

    Burton on Trent
         1609: debt

         1554: debt
         1558: debt on an obligation
         1572: debt

         1639: debt on an obligation

         1639: defamation

    Bury St. Edmunds
         1403: debt
         1440: debt by certiorari and error
         1608: debt on a lease; jurisdiction established by place of transaction not by location of land concerned
         1638: trespass on the case

         1555: debt

         1536: indebitatus assumpsit; allocation of damages, application of the common law
         1571: defamation
         1607: trespass on the case for medical care and boarding; appropriate first stage of process
         1640: trespass on the case

         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

         1448: debt
         1459: debt on an obligation
         1464: debt
         1480: debt
         1539: debt; allowance of delay after joinder of issue
         1551: debt
         1561: indebitatus assumpsit
         1574: trespass on the case
         1607: debt on an obligation; testator's personal debt to executor; mainpernors; procedure against non-residents; verdict in the alternative
         1638          1639

         1556: debt
         1638: indebitatus assumpsit

         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

    Kingston upon Thames
         1512: debt
         1552: trespass on the case
         1641: debt

    Southwark liberty
         1639: indebitatus assumpsit;    1639a: debt

    Southwark manor
         1639: defamation


         1354: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1466: debt by claim of court

         1539: debt on an obligation; oral condition relied upon by one unlettered; law French; deficient lower court record
         1552: detinue
         1571: debt

         1352: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1354: debt on a contract
         1365: debt by claim of court
         1367: novel disseisin (by attaint)
         1376: novel disseisin (by attaint)
         1402: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1431: debt
         1438: novel disseisin by claim of court
         1450: trespass
         1463: debt
         1539: "deceit on the case"; enforcement of common law categories and pleading rules
         1550: conversion sur trover
         1607: trespass vi et armis; difference between trespass vi et armis and trespass on the case; civil procedure (necessity of process before the capias);
         habeas corpus

    Sutton Coldfield manor
         1571: replevin

    Stratford upon Avon
         1570: debt [John Shakespeare presiding]

     Tamworth (see Staffordshire)

         1571: trespass on the case

    Kirkby Kendal
         1636: debt on a contract
         1637: trespass assault
         1640: debt

         1385: assize of novel disseisin
         1399: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1401: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1408: assize of novel disseisin by claim of court
         1465: debt on an obligation
         1508: debt
         1540: indebitatus assumpsit; wills; "supervisor" of a will; jury foreman; local venire facias text
         1560: debt on an obligation
         1508: debt
         1571: debt, undefended recovery, specification of name of presiding officer
         1637: debt

         1539: debt on a contract against executors; process on a demurrer; authority for the court

         1610: debt

         1607: ejectment; certiorari

         1462: trespass assault, taking of goods and chattels
         1494: debt
         1540: debt on a contract
         1549: debt
         1561: debt
         1571: debt on an obligation; a performance bond for an arbitration; the writ habeas corpus cum causa; commissions from the
         Council for the Marches of Wales to facilitate an arbitration

         1376: fresh force (by certiorari, not error)
         1571: debt, authority of the court, habeas corpus cum causa
         1641: debt

         1554: debt
         1641: trespass breach of close

    Kingston upon Hull
         1397: fresh force
         1538: trespass, process for summoning a jury
         1552: detinue
         1560: covenant
         1607: debt on an obligation (a hold-harmless performance bond); affirmation of record and judgment; mainpernors; dealing with non-residents

         1508: fresh force
         1572: debt
         1639: indebitatus assumpsit

         1539: debt on an accounting; authority of the court, discontinuance
         1556: debt
         1634: debt

         1462: fresh force
         1641: debt

         1345: debt
         1374: trespass
         1380: trespass breach of close, taking of goods and chattels (by certiorari)
         1409: fresh force
         1437: debt on an obligation
         1455: debt on an accounting
         1475: deceit
         1564: debt qui tam
         1607: debt on a contract
         1638: debt on an obligation          1639: indebitatus assumpsit

    Anglesey county great session
         1571: writ of right
         1639: ejectment

    Caernarvonshire county great session of 1531
         1571: Common recovery; error brought 40 years after judgment rendered

    Cardigan county great session of 1639
         1639: formedon in the remainder

    Carmarthen county great session
         1570: formedon in the descender
         1608: ejectment; suit for a river

    Flint county great session
         1551: quare impedit
         1640: writ of right

    Glamorgan county great session of 1638
         1638: quare impedit

    Pembroke county great session of 1639
         1639: writ of right