Richard Powell and Joan his wife v. Oliver Meredith
Bridgnorth attorney: John Moore, William Warter
(for other Bridgnorth error cases with the same attorneys, see
and see)
Error plaintiff's king's bench attorney: George Lawley
Error in king's bench (Michaelmas term, 1607) on an action in the court of Bridgnorth, Shropshhire
AALT images for Powell v. Meredith This action of error on a case of debt in the court of Bridgnorth
involved an accumulation of small loans from a woman while she was
single. The errors assigned included impossible dating of some of the
loans and an improper ruling on a plea about the defendant’s correct
name. The lord king sent to his bailiffs and the burgesses of his town of
Bridgnorth his writ close in these words: James by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the bailiffs and burgesses of
his town of Bridgnorth, greetings. Because in the record and
process and also in the rendering of judgment of a plea that was
before or in our court of the abovesaid town without our writ
according to the custom of the same town between Richard Powell
and Joan his wife and Oliver Meredith concerning a debt of 60s
that the same Richard and Joan exact from the aforementioned
Oliver as it is said manifest error intervened to the grave damage of
the same Oliver as we have received from his complaint, we,
wanting the error if any there was to be corrected in due manner
and full and swift justice to be done to the abovesaid parties in this
part, order you that if judgment thereof has been rendered then you
should send distinctly and openly the record and process abovesaid
with everything touching them to us under your seal, and this writ,
so that we have them at Trinity three weeks wherever then we shall
be in England so that, the abovesaid record and process having
been inspected, we may make to be done further thereof for the
correction of that error what of right and according to the law and
custom of our realm of England should be done. Tested me myself
at Westminster May 23 in the 5th year of our reign of England,
France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland [May 23, 1607]. The record and process of which mention is made in the abovesaid writ
follows in these words: Bridgnorth. Pleas held at Bridgnorth abovesaid in the common
hall on November 3 in the years of the reign of our Lord James by
the grace of God king of England, France, and Ireland etc., the 4th
and of his reign of Scotland the 40th [November 3, 1606] before
John Pagett and John Cheese the lord king’s bailiffs of his town
abovesaid according to the custom of the same town used and
approved in the same town from time whereof the memory of men
runs not to the contrary. Bridgnorth. At this court came Richard Powell and Joan his wife
and they complain against Oliver Meredith concerning a plea that
he render to them £3 of the lawful money of England that he owes
them and unjustly detains. And he found pledges to prosecute his
complaint, scilt., John Doe and Richard Roe. Therefore it is
ordered to John Blackwey and Rowland Prene serjeants at mace to
the said bailiffs according to the custom of the town abovesaid that
they or one of them attach the abovesaid Oliver by his body so that
he be before the abovesaid bailiffs in the common hall of the
abovesaid town at the next court of the same town to be held on
Monday, viz., November 17 then next following [November 17,
1606] to answer to the aforementioned Richard Powell and Joan
his wife concerning the abovesaid plea. Bridgnorth. The court of the lord king held on November 17 in the
year of the reign of our Lord James by the grace of God king of
England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., the 4th and
of Scotland the 40th [November 17, 1606] before the bailiffs
abovesaid according to the custom of the abovesaid town. At this court came the abovesaid Richard and Joan by John Moore
their attorney and presented themselves against the aforementioned
Oliver Meredith concerning the abovesaid plea. And in the same
court the abovesaid serjeants at mace now sending according to the
custom of the abovesaid town say that the abovesaid Oliver is
attached by his body, whose body they have here as it was ordered
to them to answer to the aforementioned Richard and Joan
concerning the abovesaid plea. And thereon in the same court the abovesaid Richard and
Joan were exacted, appeared by their attorney, and complain
against the aforementioned Oliver in the abovesaid plea [IMG
0661]. And they find pledges as is said above. And they say by
their attorney that the abovesaid Oliver on the last day of October
in the 44th year of the reign of the late our Lady Elizabeth [October
31, 1602] at Bridgnorth abovesaid on the high road of the same
town within the liberty and jurisdiction of this court borrowed from
the aforementioned Joan while she was single 2s6d of the lawful
money of England to be paid to the same Joan when he should be
asked thereof, and that the abovesaid Oliver on September 20 in
the 45th year of the reign of the said Lady Elizabeth late queen of
England [sic] at Bridgnorth abovesaid on the high road of the same
town within the liberty of this court borrowed from the
aforementioned Joan while she was single 4s of the lawful money
of England to be paid to the same Joan when the abovesaid Oliver
should be asked thereof, and also that the abovesaid Oliver
Meredith on October 28 in the 45th year of the reign of the said
Lady Elizabeth late queen of England [sic] at Bridgnorth abovesaid
on the high road abovesaid within the jurisdiction of this court
borrowed from the abovesaid Joan while she was single 3s of the
lawful money of England to be paid to the same Joan when the
abovesaid defendant should be asked thereof, and also that the
abovesaid Oliver on January 1 in the 45th year of the reign of the
said Lady Elizabeth late queen of England [January 1, 1603] at
Bridgnorth abovesaid in the said high road of the same town within
the jurisdiction of this court borrowed from the aforementioned
Joan now one of the plaintiffs while she was single 2s of the lawful
money of England to be paid to the same Joan when the abovesaid
defendant should be asked thereof, and further the abovesaid
plaintiffs say that the abovesaid defendant on June 7 in the 1st year
of the reign of our Lord James by the grace of God king of
England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., and on
divers separate other days afterwards at Bridgnorth abovesaid on
the said high road of the same town within the jurisdiction of this
court borrowed from the aforementioned Joan now one of the
plaintiffs while she was single divers sums of money as attain to
the sum of 48s6d of the lawful money of England the residue of the
abovesaid £3 to be paid to the same Joan when the abovesaid
defendant should be asked thereof, and the abovesaid plaintiffs
further say that afterwards, scilt., on August 1 in the 4th year of the
reign of the said our lord now king of England [August 1, 1606]
the abovesaid Joan at Bridgnorth abovesaid within the jurisdiction
of this court took as her husband the abovesaid Richard according
to the ecclesiastical law of this realm of England, whereby action
accrues to the same plaintiffs to seek, exact, and have from the
aforementioned plaintiff the abovesaid £3, nevertheless the
abovesaid defendant although often asked thereof has not yet
rendered the abovesaid £3 to the aforementioned Joan while she
was single nor to the aforementioned [IMG 1528] Richard and
Joan after espousals had between them nor to either of them, but
wholly refused to render or pay to them and still refuses, wherefore
the abovesaid plaintiffs say that they are worse off and have
damages to the value of 20s, and thereof they produce their suit. And thereon the abovesaid Oliver in the same court, exacted
according to the custom of the abovesaid town, appeared by
William Warter his attorney, and his abovesaid attorney came and
defended force and injury when etc., and in the same court sought
license to emparl thereof until the next court there to be held on
Monday, viz., December 1 then next following, and has it etc. The
same day is given to the aforementioned Richard and Joan to here
at the abovesaid court. Bridgnorth. The court of the lord king there held on December 1
in the 4th year of the reign of our Lord James by the grace of God
king of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., and
the 40th of Scotland before the abovesaid bailiffs. At which day the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys
appeared. And the abovesaid bailiffs in the same court say to the
aforementioned Oliver Meredith that he answer the abovesaid
plaintiffs in the abovesaid plea. And thereon the abovesaid Oliver in the same court
abovesaid came as before and defended force and injury when etc.,
and says that the abovesaid plaintiff ought not to have or maintain
his abovesaid action against the same Oliver, and that the matter
contained in the abovesaid declaration of the abovesaid plaintiffs is
not sufficient in law to maintain the abovesaid action of the
plaintiffs against the same defendant. And this he is ready to
verify, because he says that he is not nor can he be understood to
be the same person against whom the abovesaid plaintiffs brought
their abovesaid action by the name of Oliver Meredith, because he
says that he is named and called Meredith Oliver and by the same
name and surname from the time of his birth and always has been
known and called,, without this that he is named and called Oliver
Meredith or by the same name and surname was known and called,
as the abovesaid plaintiffs by their narration abovesaid suppose,
wherefore he seeks judgment if the abovesaid plaintiffs ought to
maintain any action in this case against the same defendant. And the abovesaid plaintiffs by their abovesaid attorney say
that they have no need nor by the law of the land are bound in any
way to answer the abovesaid plea of the abovesaid Oliver Meredith
pleaded in the manner and form abovesaid above in quashing of
the abovesaid plea, wherefore for the lack of a sufficient answer of
the abovesaid Oliver Meredith to the said complaint they seek that
the judgment and their abovesaid debt be adjudicated to them. And the abovesaid defendant by his abovesaid attorney says
that he pleaded sufficient matter in bar of the abovesaid action of
the plaintiffs; he seeks judgment. And because the court of the lord king wants to be advised of
and on the matter and others premisses abovesaid before it
proceeds to render judgment thereof, day is given to the abovesaid
parties until the next court of the abovesaid town, scilt., on
December 15 then next following [December 15, 1606] to hear the
judgment. At which day came both the abovesaid plaintiffs and the abovesaid
defendant by their abovesaid attorneys. And thereon the premisses
having been seen and understood by the abovesaid bailiffs here it
seemed to the same bailiffs that the plea abovesaid by the
abovesaid defendant above pleaded in the manner and form is not
sufficient in law to preclude the abovesaid plaintiffs from having
their abovesaid action, but that the abovesaid plaintiffs ought to
recover their abovesaid debt against the aforementioned defendant.
Therefore it is granted by the abovesaid bailiffs that the abovesaid
plaintiffs recover against the aforementioned defendants their debt
of £3 [IMG 1529] and money for damages by the occasion of the
detention of the abovesaid debt with 16s6d for the abovesaid costs
of the abovesaid plaintiffs expended on their abovesaid suit, and
the abovesaid defendant in mercy. Afterwards, scilt., on Friday next after the Octaves of Michaelmas this
same term before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Oliver by George Lawley his attorney. And he says that in the record
and process abovesaid and also in the rendering of the abovesaid
judgment it was manifestly erred in this, viz., that by the abovesaid record it appears that the abovesaid Richard
and Joan by their abovesaid narration suppose that the same Oliver
on September 20 in the 45th year of the reign of the said late Queen
Elizabeth borrowed from the aforementioned Joan while she was
single 4s and on October 28 in the 45th year of the reign of the
same late Queen Elizabeth borrowed from the aforementioned Joan
while she was single 3s, whereas indeed there were never any days
September 20 or October 28 in the 45th year of the reign of the said
late Queen Elizabeth. Likewise it was erred in this that whereas by the record abovesaid
it appears that the abovesaid Richard and Joan by their narration
abovesaid suppose that the same Oliver on June 7 in the 1st year of
the reign of the said now lord king and on divers separate other
days afterwards borrowed from the aforementioned Joan while she
was single divers sums of money such as amount to 48s6d, and so
the abovesaid Richard and Joan do not allege any certain contract
to maintain their abovesaid action against the same Oliver for the
same 48s6d as by the law of the land in this case they ought to
have alleged. It was erred likewise in this that whereas by the abovesaid record it
appears that the abovesaid Oliver pleaded to the complaint and
narration abovesaid that he was known and called by the name
Meredith Oliver and not by the name Oliver Meredith and that on
that plea the abovesaid issue was joined in law in the abovesaid
court of the abovesaid town and that also thereon by the same court
it was granted that the abovesaid Richard and Joan recover against
the same Oliver the abovesaid debt and damages whereas
according to the law of the land judgment in this case ought to be
rendered that the abovesaid Oliver answer to the abovesaid
narration and thus in the record and process abovesaid etc. And also in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment it was
manifestly erred on account of which certain errors and other etc. The same Oliver seeks a writ of the lord king to warn the
aforementioned Richard Powell and Joan to be before the lord king to
hear the record and process abovesaid, and it is granted to him etc.,
whereby it is ordered to the sheriff of Shropshire that by prudent etc., of
his bailiwick he should make known to the aforementioned Richard and
Joan that they be before the lord king on the Octaves of St. Hilary
wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if etc., and
further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned Oliver etc. At which certain day before the lord king at Westminster comes the
abovesaid Oliver by his abovesaid attorney. And the sheriff returns that
the abovesaid Richard and Joan have nothing in his bailiwick whereby
he can make known to them nor are they found in the same. And they
did not come. Therefore as formerly it is ordered to the sheriff that by
prudent etc., he make known to the aforementioned Richard and Joan
that they be before the lord king on the Octaves of the Purification of
Blessed Mary wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if
etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned Oliver
there etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Oliver by his attorney abovesaid. And the sheriff as before returns that
the abovesaid Richard and Joan have nothing in his bailiwick whereby
he could make known to them nor are they found. And they did not
come but made a default. And thereon the abovesaid Oliver as before
says that in the record and process abovesaid and also in the rendering of
the judgment manifestly [IMG 0662] it was erred by alleging the
abovesaid errors alleged by him in the abovesaid form. And he seeks
that the judgment abovesaid on account of those errors and others being
in the abovesaid record and process be revoked, annulled, and
completely had for nothing, and that he be restored to everything that he
lost by occasion of the abovesaid judgment etc., and that the court of the
lord king here proceed to the examination both of the record and process
abovesaid and of the abovesaid matters above assigned for errors. And
because the court of the lord king here is not yet advised to render its
judgment of and on the premisses, day is given thereof to the
aforementioned Oliver before the lord king until the quindene of Easter
wherever etc., to hear his judgment thereof because the court of the said
lord king here thereof not yet etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Oliver by his abovesaid attorney. Thereon all and singular the premisses
having been seen and more fully understood by the court of the lord king
here and mature deliberation having been had thereof, for this that it
seems to the court of the lord king here that the in the record and process
abovesaid and also in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment
manifestly it was erred, it is considered that the abovesaid judgment on
account of those errors and others being in the abovesaid record and
process be revoked, annulled, and completely had for nothing and that
the abovesaid Oliver Meredith be restored to everything he lost by
occasion of the abovesaid judgment etc. [Margination:] Let the judgment be revoked.