Christofer Randle v. William Shewell
Coventry attorneys: Hugh Willington, Thomas Pritchard
King's Bench error plaintiff's attorney: Alexander Lapworth
Error in king's bench (Trinity term, 1607) on an action in the court of Coventry, Warwickshire
AALT images for Keynell v. Willoughby
This case of error on a case that had been determined in the court of the city of Coventry relates process in the Coventry court over more than three years. The points of interest, outside the surprisingly slow pace at which the litigants were willing to allow the case to run, are
1. The description of the case as “trespass on the case” when incitment was clearly trespass on the case (a matter that was one of the errors ascribed),
2. The beginning of the procedure with capias, a beginning that was in accord with the typical actual initial process at common law, but a beginning that omitted the paperwork earlier procedures, both of finding of pledges and of an attachment (matters that were also ascribed as errors),
3. The issuance of a habeas corpus writ late in the case,
4. The names of the various officers of the court as well as the attorneys who were working in the court of Coventry.
The lord king sent to the mayor and bailiffs of his city of Coventry his writ close in these words:
James by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the mayor and bailiffs of his city of Coventry, greetings. Because in the record and process and also in the rendering of judgment of a suit that was before you in our court of the abovesaid city without our writ according to the custom of the same city between Christofer Randle and William Shewell concerning a certain trespass inflicted on the same Christofer by the aforementioned William as it is said, manifest error intervened to the grave damage of the same William as from his complaint we have received, we, wanting the error (if any there was) in due manner to be corrected and full and fast justice to be done to the abovesaid parties in this part, order you that, if judgment thereof has been rendered, then send the abovesaid record and process with all things touching them to us distinctly and clearly under your seal and this writ, so that we have them at 15 days after Easter wherever we are in England, so that, the record and process abovesaid having been inspected, we shall make to be done further thereof for the correction of that error what of right and according to the law and custom of our realm of England should be done. Tested at Westminster February 13 in the 4th year of our of reign of England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland [February 13, 1607].
The record and process of which mention was made in the abovesaid writ follow in these words:
Pleas in the court of the lord king in the abovesaid city at the city of Coventry abovesaid held on Monday, scilt., February 20 in the 1st year of the reign of our lord James by the grace of God king of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc. and of Scotland the 37th [February 20, 1604]. Before Richard Page mayor of the abovesaid city, John Barber and Richard Sharratt bailiffs of the same city comes Christofer Randle and seeks the process of capias against William Shewell concerning a plea of trespass on the case. And thereon it was ordered to the sub-bailiffs there that he take William Shewell if etc., and him safely etc., such that he have his body before the mayor and bailiffs of the abovesaid city at the abovesaid city at the next court there to be held to answer Christofer Randle concerning a plea of trespass on the case, and have there then this precept, given at the abovesaid city on February 21 in the 1st year of the reign of our lord James now king of England etc. and 37th of Scotland [February 21, 1604], and have etc., the same day etc.
Afterwards at the next court of the said lord king held at the city of Coventry abovesaid , scilt., March 5 in the 1st year of the reign of our lord James now king of England and 37th of Scotland [March 5, 1604] here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the aforementioned mayor and bailiffs of the abovesaid city comes the abovesaid Christofer Randle by Hugh Willington his attorney; and Michael Sambrocke sub-bailiff and minister of the abovesaid court now returned here the abovesaid precept directed to him in the abovesaid form served and executed in everything, viz., that he by virtue of that precept took the body of the abovesaid William Shewell, whose body then and there he had before the aforementioned mayor and bailiffs of the abovesaid city at the day specified in the abovesaid precept as by that precept it is ordered to him.
And thereon the abovesaid William Shewell then and there solemnly exacted appears by Thomas Pritchard his attorney.
And thereon the abovesaid Christofer Randle by his abovesaid attorney then and there against the aforementioned William Shewell narrated on the abovesaid precept, the [tenor] of which certain narration follows in these words:
City of Coventry. William Shewell was attached to answer Christofer Randle concerning a plea why with force and arms he broke the close of the same Christofer and chased 40 sheep of the same Christofer found there with a certain dog, inciting that dog so much to bite the abovesaid sheep that by that chasing and the bites of the abovesaid dog one sheep of the abovesaid sheep of a price of 20s died and one other sheep of the abovesaid sheep aborted her fetus and the remaining sheep of the abovesaid sheep were in many ways worse off, to the grave damage of the abovesaid Christofer and against the peace of the now lord king etc. And wherefore the same Christofer by Hugh Willington his attorney complains that the abovesaid William on February 20 in the 1st year of the reign of the said lord King James of England and the 37th of Scotland [February 20, 1604] with force and arms, viz., with clubs, swords, and knives, broke the close of the same Christofer at Stoke in the county of the city of Coventry and within the jurisdiction of this court and chased 40 sheep of the same Christofer found there with a certain dog, inciting that dog so much to bite the sheep that by that chasing and the bites of the abovesaid dog he killed one sheep of the abovesaid sheep of a price of 20s and one other sheep of the abovesaid sheep then and there aborted its fetus and the remaining sheep of the abovesaid sheep were in many ways worse off, and inflicted other enormities on him to the grave damage of the same Christofer and against the peace of the said now lord king etc., wherefore the same Christofer says that he is in many ways wounded and worse off and has damages and to the value of £20, and thereof he produced suit etc. And thereon the abovesaid Christofer Randle puts in his place Hugh Willington against the abovesaid William Shewell in the abovesaid plea, and the abovesaid William Shewell puts in his place Thomas Pritchard against the abovesaid Christofer Randle in the abovesaid plea, and that William Shewell by the abovesaid Thomas Pritchard his attorney comes and defends force and injury when etc., and seeks license to emparl thereof here until the next court to be held, scilt., March 12 next following [March 12, 1604] here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the Mayor and bailiffs of the abovesaid city, and he has it etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned plaintiff here etc. And the abovesaid William Shewell [IMG 1519] is committed into the custody of the gaoler because he did not procure mainpernors as appears on the indorsement of the precept remaining of record.
At which certain court of the said our lord king, viz., on March 12 in the 1st year abovesaid [March 12, 1604] held here, scilt, at the abovesaid city of Coventry, before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys; and the abovesaid William seeks further day to emparl thereof here until the next court of the said lord king to be held on Monday, scilt., March 19 next to come [March 19, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, and by the grace of the court and the assent of the plaintiff he has the same day etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned plaintiff here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, viz., on March 19 in the abovesaid 1st year, here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys. And the abovesaid William Shewell by Thomas Pritchard his attorney comes and defends force and injury when etc. And as to the coming with force and arms or whatever that is against the peace of the said now lord king etc., as well as to the whole abovesaid trespass except the chasing of the abovesaid sheep, he says that he in nothing is guilty thereof, and of this he puts himself on the countryside. And the abovesaid Christofer similarly. And as to the rest of the abovesaid trespass above supposed to have been done, the same William says that the abovesaid Christofer ought not to have or maintain his abovesaid action against him, because he says that a certain Richard Greene is now and at the abovesaid time at which etc., was seised in his demesne as of fee of and in 19 acres of land with appurtenance called Wheatcroft in Wyken in the county of the city of Coventry and within the jurisdiction of this court. And because the abovesaid 40 sheep at the abovesaid time at which etc., were in the abovesaid 19 acres of land then trampling and depasturing the grass in the same 19 acres of land and doing damage there, the same William as servant of the abovesaid Richard and by his precept entered into the abovesaid 19 acres of land and gently chased the abovesaid 40 sheep found then and there doing damage back by the same road whereby the abovesaid 40 sheep had entered onto the abovesaid 19 acres of land, as well he might, which certain chasing of the abovesaid sheep is the same chasing of the sheep whereof the abovesaid Christofer above complains against him now. And this he is ready to verify, wherefore he seeks judgment if the abovesaid Christofer ought to have his abovesaid action against him etc.
And thereon at the request of the plaintiff day is given to the parties abovesaid here until the next court of the said now lord king at the city abovesaid to be held on Monday, scilt., April 2 then next following [April 2, 1604] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city.
At which certain court of the said lord king, scilt., on April 2 in the 2nd year of James now king of England [April 2, 1604] etc., held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought that the abovesaid plea between them be continued until the next court of the said lord king here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry to be held on the Monday, scilt., April 23, then next following, and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on April 23 in the abovesaid 2nd year here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, come the parties abovesaid by their attorneys abovesaid. And the abovesaid Christofer Randle says that the abovesaid plea of William pleaded above in his avowry and recognition of the abovesaid taking of the beasts abovesaid in the manner and form abovesaid is less sufficient in law to maintain the same William to avow and acknowledge justly the taking of those beasts, to which he has no need nor by the law of the land is bound to answer, wherefore by default of a sufficient plea in avowry and recognition abovesaid of the abovesaid taking of beasts he seeks judgment and his damages by occasion of the taking and unjust detention of the abovesaid beasts to be adjudicated to him etc. And thereon at the request of the abovesaid defendant day is given to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here at the city of Coventry abovesaid on the day, scilt., May 14 then next following [May 14, 1604].
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on May 14 in the 2nd year abovesaid [May 14, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they sought that the abovesaid plea between them be continued until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the city of Coventry on [IMG 3029] Monday, scilt., June 4 then next following [June 4, 1604] and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the abovesaid parties here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on June 4 in the 2nd year abovesaid [June 4, 1604] here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid, before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought that the abovesaid plea between them be continued until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city, on the Monday, scilt., on June 18 then next following [June 18, 1604] and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the abovesaid parties here etc.
At which certain court of the said now lord king held, scilt., on June 18 in the 2nd year abovesaid, here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought that the abovesaid plea be continued between them until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city on the Monday, scilt., July 9 then next following [July 9, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 9 in the abovesaid 2nd year here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 23 then next following [July 23, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 23 in the abovesaid 2nd year here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 30 then next following [July 30, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 30 in the abovesaid 2nd year here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., August 13 then next following [August 13, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said August 13 in the abovesaid 2nd year [August 13, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., August 27 then next following [August 27, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said August 27 in the abovesaid 2nd year [August 27, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., September 9 then next following [September 9, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said September 9 in the abovesaid 2nd year [September 9, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., September 24 then next following [September 24, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
[IMG 3030] At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said September 24 in the abovesaid 2nd year [September 24, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., October 8 then next following [October 8, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said October 8 in the abovesaid 2nd year here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., October 29 then next following [October 29, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said October 29 in the abovesaid 2nd year [October 29, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., November 5 then next following [November 5, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said November 5 in the abovesaid 2nd year [November 5, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before William Wheat then mayor of the abovesaid city and Robert Kervyn and Henry Mordocke then bailiffs of the same city, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., November 27 then next following [November 27, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said November 27 in the abovesaid 2nd year [November 27, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., December 10 then next following [December 10, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said December 10 in the abovesaid 2nd year [December 10, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., December 24 then next following [December 24, 1604], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said December 24 in the abovesaid 2nd year [December 24, 1604] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., January 14 then next following [January 14, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said January 14 in the abovesaid 2nd year [January 14, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., January 21 then next following [January 21, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said January 21 in the abovesaid 2nd year [January 21, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., February 11 then next following [February 11, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which [IMG 1520] certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said February 11 in the abovesaid 2nd year [February 11, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., February 25 then next following [February 25, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which [IMG 1520] certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said February 11 in the abovesaid 2nd year [February 11, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., February 25 then next following [February 25, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said February 25 in the abovesaid 2nd year [February 25, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., March 4 then next following [March 4, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said March 4 in the abovesaid 2nd year [March 4, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., March 11 then next following [March 11, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said March 11 in the abovesaid 2nd year [March 11, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., March 18 then next following [March 18, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said March 18 in the abovesaid 2nd year [March 18, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., April 15 then next following [April 15, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said April 15 in the abovesaid 2nd year [April 15, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., April 29 then next following [April 29, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said April 29 in the abovesaid 3rd year [April 29, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., May 13 then next following [May 13, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said May 13 in the abovesaid 3rd year [May 13, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., May 27 then next following [May 27, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said May 27 in the abovesaid 3rd year [May 27, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., June 10 then next following [June 10, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said June 10 in the abovesaid 3rd year [June 10, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 1 then next following [July 1, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 1 in the abovesaid 3rd year [July 1, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 8 then next following [July 8, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 8 in the abovesaid 3rd year [July 8, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 22 then next following [July 22, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 22 in the abovesaid 3rd year [July 22, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., July 29 then next following [July 29, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
[IMG 1521] At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said July 29 in the abovesaid 3rd year [July 29, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., August 12 then next following [August 12, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said August 12 in the abovesaid 3rd year [August 12, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., August 19 then next following [August 19, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said August 19 in the abovesaid 3rd year [August 19, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., September 9 then next following [September 9, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said September 9 in the abovesaid 3rd year [September 9, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., September 16 then next following [September 16, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said September 16 in the abovesaid 3rd year [September 16, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., September 23 then next following [September 23, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said September 23 in the abovesaid 3rd year [September 23, 1605] here, scilt., at [IMG 3031] the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., October 7 then next following [October 7, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said October 7 in the abovesaid 3rd year [October 7, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and sought further that the abovesaid plea between them be continued here until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry on the Monday, scilt., October 14 then next following [October 14, 1605], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
At which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on the said October 14 in the abovesaid 3rd year [October 14, 1605] here, scilt., at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the city abovesaid, come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys. And the abovesaid William says that the abovesaid plea pleaded above in the manner and form abovesaid by him is good and sufficient in law to preclude the abovesaid Christofer from having his abovesaid action against the same William, which certain plea and the material contained in the same the same William is ready to verify, to which the abovesaid Christofer still does not answer nor deny in any way, but wholly refused to admit that verification. Therefore he seeks judgment and that the abovesaid Christofer be precluded from having his action abovesaid against the same William etc.
And thereon in the same court comes the abovesaid William by his abovesaid attorney and seeks his judgment of and on the abovesaid matters against the abovesaid Christofer Randle, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, day is given to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king to be held at the abovesaid city on Monday, scilt., October 28 then next to come [October 28, 1605] before the Mayor and bailiffs of the city abovesaid to hear what the abovesaid court shall have considered in this part in the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., and that the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here still thereof etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king held here at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the abovesaid William Wheate mayor of the abovesaid city and Humfrey Smallewood and William Snell then bailiffs of the same city, scilt., on October 28 in the abovesaid 3rd year [October 28, 1605] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys and seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king [to be held at the abovesaid city on the Monday, scilt., November 11 then next to come [November 11, 1605] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear what the abovesaid court shall have considered in the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc, because the same Mayor and Bailiffs here concerning their judgment thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here] at the abovesaid city on Monday, scilt., November 11 in the 3rd year of the reign of our lord James now king of England and the 39th of Scotland before Matthew Colliens then mayor of the abovesaid city and Humfrey Smallewood and William Snelle then bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., November 25 then next to come [November 25, 1605] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city above recited, scilt., on the said November 25 in the abovesaid 3rd year [November 25, 1605] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 9 then next to come [December 9, 1605] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 9 in the abovesaid 3rd year [December 9, 1605] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 16 then next to come [December 16, 1605] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 16 in the abovesaid 3rd year [December 16, 1605] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 23 then next to come [December 23, 1605] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
[IMG 3032] At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 23 in the abovesaid 3rd year [December 23, 1605] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., January 20 then next to come [January 20, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said January 20 in the abovesaid 3rd year [January 20, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., January 27 then next to come [January 27, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said January 27 in the abovesaid 3rd year [January 27, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., February 10 then next to come [February 10, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said February 10 in the abovesaid 3rd year [February 10, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., March 3 then next to come [March 3, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city [IMG 1522] to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said March 3 in the abovesaid 3rd year March [March 3, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., March 10 then next to come [March 10, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said March 10 in the abovesaid 3rd year [March 10, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., March 17 then next to come [March 17, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said March 17 in the abovesaid 3rd year [March 17, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., April 7 then next to come [April 7, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said April 7 in the abovesaid 3rd year [April 7 , 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., April 14 then next to come [April 14, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said April 14 in the abovesaid 3rd year [April 14, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., May 5 then next to come [May 5, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city above recited, scilt., on the said May 5 in the abovesaid 4th year [May 5, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., May 19 then next to come [May 19, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said May 19 in the abovesaid 4th year [May 19, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., June 2 then next to come [June 2, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said June 2 in the abovesaid 4th year [June 2, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., June 16 then next to come [June 16, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
[IMG 1523] At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said June 16 in the abovesaid 4th year [June 16, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., June 30 then next to come [June 30, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said June 30 in the abovesaid 4th year [June 30, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., July 14 then next to come [July 14, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said July 14 in the abovesaid 4th year [July 14, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., July 28 then next to come [July 28, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said July 28 in the abovesaid 4th year [July 28, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., August 18 then next to come [August 18, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said August 18 in the abovesaid 4th year [August 18, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., September 1 then next to come [September 1, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear [IMG 3033] thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said September 1 in the abovesaid 4th year [September 1, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., September 8 then next to come [September 8, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said September 8 in the abovesaid 4th year [September 8, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., September 15 then next to come [September 15, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said September 15 in the abovesaid 4th year [September 15, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., September 22 then next to come [September 22, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said September 22 in the abovesaid 4th year [September 22, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., September 29 then next to come [September 29, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said September 29 in the abovesaid 4th year [September 29, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., October 13 then next to come [October 13, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
[IMG 3034] At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said October 13 in the abovesaid 4th year [October 13, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., October 20 then next to come [October 20, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Matthew Collins then mayor of the abovesaid city, Samuel Miles and William Sewall then and now bailiffs of the same city, scilt., on the said October 20 in the abovesaid 4th year [October 20, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., November 3 then next to come [November 3, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Matthew Collins then mayor of the abovesaid city, Samuel Miles and William Sewall then and now bailiffs of the same city, scilt., on the said November 3 in the abovesaid 4th year [November 3, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., November 17 then next to come [November 17, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said November 17 in the abovesaid 4th year [November 17, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 1 then next to come [December 1, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 1 in the abovesaid 4th year [December 1, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 15 then next to come [December 15, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the abovesaid city held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 15 in the abovesaid 4th year [December 15, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and they seek their judgment of and on the premisses, but because the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city want to advise themselves of and on the premisses before they render judgment thereof, therefore day is given further to the abovesaid parties here until the next court of the said lord king at the abovesaid city to be held on Monday, scilt., December 22 then next to come [December 22, 1606] before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city to hear that which in this part the abovesaid court shall have considered on the premisses and to hear thereof their judgment if etc., because the same Mayor and Bailiffs concerning their judgment here thereof still etc.
At which certain then next court of the said lord king held here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on the said December 22 in the abovesaid 4th year [December 22, 1606] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys to hear their judgment on the abovesaid complaint. And all and singular the premisses having been seen [IMG 1524] and mature deliberation having been had thereof by the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs, it was considered by the same Mayor and Bailiffs in the same court that the abovesaid Christofer Randle recover against the aforementioned William Shewell his damages by occasion of the abovesaid trespass, but because the abovesaid court does not know what damages if there were any the same Christofer sustained by occasion of the premisses, therefore it is ordered to the sub-bailiff there that he should make to come before the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city at the next court to be held there 12 free and lawful men of the abovesaid city to inquire what damages the same Christofer Randle sustained both by occasion of the premisses and by his outlays and costs put out on his suit in this part and that he have there then the names of the jurors and that precept, dated at the abovesaid city December 22, in the 4th year of the reign of our lord James now king of England and the 40th of Scotland [December 22, 1606].
At which certain then next court of the said lord king here at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city, scilt., on January 19 in the 4th year abovesaid [January 19, 1607] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and the serjeant, sub-bailiff and minister of the abovesaid court then and there sent the abovesaid precept and this from the assent of the abovesaid parties, because the abovesaid parties sought that the abovesaid plea between them be continued until the next court of the said lord king to be held here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid on Monday, scilt., on January 26 next to come [January 26, 1607], and by their petition and consent that continuation is granted to them. The same day is given to the parties abovesaid here etc.
And at which certain court of the said lord king held, scilt., on January 26 in the abovesaid 4th year here at the abovesaid city of Coventry before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys, and the serjeant, sub-bailiff and minister of the abovesaid court then and there sent the precept, and thereon came the abovesaid William Shewell [and] then in open court there delivered to the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs the said lord on the part of the same William king’s certain writ of corpora cum cause of the said William directed to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city of Coventry, the tenor of which certain writ follows in these words:
James, by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the city of Coventry, greetings. We order you that you have the body of William Shewell detained in our prison under your guard as it is said under safe and secure conduct together with the day and cause of his taking and detention by whatsoever name the same William is thought of, and have them before us at Westminster on Friday next after the morrow of the Purification of Blessed Mary [February 6, 1607] to do and receive all and singular those things that our court before us concerning this then and there should consider in this part, and have there then this writ. Tested etc., date etc.
And afterwards at the next court of the said lord king held here, scilt., at the city of Coventry abovesaid before the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city of Coventry, scilt., on Monday February 9 in the abovesaid 4th year [February 9, 1607] come the abovesaid parties by their abovesaid attorneys. And the abovesaid Christofer Randle then in open court there delivered to the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs a certain other writ of the said lord king de procedendo directed to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the abovesaid city of Coventry, the tenor of which writ follows in these words:
James, by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the city of Coventry, greetings. We ordered you that you have the body of William Shewell as it is said detained in our prison under your guard under safe and secure conduct together with the day and cause of his taking and detention by whatsoever name the same William is thought of in the same before us at Westminster on the Friday next after the morrow of the Purification of the Blessed Mary to do and receive all and singular those things that our court before us concerning this then and there should consider in this part; nevertheless, for certain causes now moving us in our court before us, we order you and each of you that in whatever complaints against the same William at the suit of Christofer Randle in our court before you or any of you now pending undetermined you should proceed with suchlike speed as you can as we shall see to be proceeding according to our law and custom of Coventry, notwithstanding in anything our abovesaid writ previously directed to you thereof to the contrary. Tested, J. Peckham at Westminster, February 7 in the 4th year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland and of Scotland the 40th. Rooper.
And thereon in the same court comes William Morgen a serjeant, sub-bailiff and minister of the court of the abovesaid city and then and there returned the abovesaid precept of venire facias to inquire of the damages between the abovesaid Christofer Randle plaintiff and William Shewell defendant directed to him in the abovesaid form served and executed in everything together with the panel of the names of the jurors annexed to the same precept, viz., William Pywall capper, Richard Barwicke draper, George Rogerson draper, John Mundy whitetawer, John Cockboult apothecary, Thomas Seney yeoman, Mark Musage baker, Richard Baunkes yeoman, Thomas Warde weaver, Jerome Sanders chapman, Jerome Love silkweaver, Richard Brocken sherman, Thomas Echin capper, William Worster chapman, Thomas Etheridge wenter, Thomas Urland tailor, William Leache dier, William Ellis carpenter, Gawin Hobley wheelwright, John Pixeley clothier, John Pickering carpenter, John Ruston tailor, John Walton tailor, and George Copstake silkweaver. And those empaneled thereof onto the abovesaid jury were solemnly exacted. Certain of them did not come, and certain of them, viz., John Mundy whitetawer, John Cockbolt apothecary, Mark Mussage baker, Thomas Warde weaver, Jerome Sanders chapman, Jerome Loe silkweaver, Richard Brocken sherman, Thomas Echyn capper, William Worster chapman, Thomas Etheridge weaver, Thomas Urland tailor, and William Ellys carpenter, came, who, chosen, tried, and sworn to tell the truth of and on the premisses, say on their oath for the plaintiff, and they assess the damages by occasion of the abovesaid trespass at 40s beyond his outlays and costs put out by him on his suit in this part, and for those outlays and costs at 30s4d. And thereon in the same court comes the abovesaid Christofer Randle by his abovesaid attorney and seeks his judgment of and on the abovesaid verdict against the abovesaid William Shewell to be adjudicated to him. Thereon, all and singular the premisses having been seen and mature deliberation having been had by the abovesaid Mayor and Bailiffs, it is considered [IMG 1525] by the same Mayor and Bailiffs in the same court that the abovesaid Christofer Randle recover against the aforementioned William Shewell the abovesaid damages, outlays, and costs assessed by the abovesaid jury as well as £6 6s8d adjudicated to the same Christofer Randle for his outlays and costs abovesaid to his request by the aforementioned Mayor and Bailiffs here from the increment, which certain damages, outlays, and costs in all amount to £9. And that the abovesaid William Shewell be in mercy etc.
Afterwards, scilt., on Friday next after the morrow of Holy Trinity in this same term before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid William Shewell by Alexander Lapworthe his attorney and says that in the abovesaid record and process as well as in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment it was manifestly erred, at first, viz., in this because by the abovesaid record it does not appear that any complaint of any plea by the aforementioned Christofer Randle against the same William Shewell was levied or affirmed in the abovesaid court of the said lord king of the abovesaid city to warrant the abovesaid narration of the same Christofer against the same William Shewell, nor by the record abovesaid does it appear that any writ of attachment or pone emanated against the same William in the abovesaid plea from the abovesaid court nor was returned before the abovesaid writ of capias (whereby the abovesaid William was taken and arrested) emanated out of the abovesaid court against the same William as it ought to appear by the abovesaid record. And therefore manifestly it erred. Finally, in the record and process abovesaid and in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment manifestly it was erred in this, viz., that by the abovesaid record it appears that the abovesaid Christofer Randle did not find any pledges to prosecute his abovesaid complaint against the same William Shewell in the abovesaid plea as by the law of the land he ought to have found. And therefore it was manifestly erred. And the same William Shewell seeks a writ of the said lord king to warn [Christofer Randle] to be before the lord king to hear the record and process abovesaid, and it is granted to him. And thereon it is ordered to the sheriff of the abovesaid city that by prudent etc., he should make the aforementioned Christofer to know that he should be before the lord king [blank] wherever etc., to hear the abovesaid record and process if etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned William Shewell etc.