William Best and Lareta his wife late wife and executrix of John Fay v. John Dever
King's Bench error plaintiff's attorney: Richard Heywood
Error in king's bench (Michaelmas term, 1538) on an action in the court of Dartmouth, Devon
AALT images for Best v. Dever This action of error on a case of debt in the court of Dartmouth yields
a record of a case that was apparently pursued without the help of
attorneys in the Dartmouth court, and the narration appears in
English. The court supervised on an unsuccessful resort to arbitration
to try to resole the case before proceeding to the narration. The pledge
for the defendant in this case assumed an active role and finally
assumed payment of the debt. The lord king sent to the mayor and bailiffs of his town of Dartmouth his
writ close in these words: Henry VIII by the grace of God king of England and France,
defender of the faith, lord of Ireland and on earth the supreme head
of the English church to the mayor and bailiffs of his town of
Dartmouth, greetings. Because in the record and process and also
in the rendering of judgment in a plea that was before you in our
court of the abovesaid town without our writ according to the
custom of the same town between William Best and Lareta his wife
late the wife and executrix of the testament of John Fay and John
Dever of this that the same John Dever render to the
aforementioned William and executrix £7 13s4d manifest error
intervened to the grave damage of the same John Dever as from his
complaint we have accepted, we, wanting the error if any there was
to be corrected in due manner and full and swift justice to be done
to the abovesaid parties in this part, we order you, if judgment has
been rendered thereof, that you then should send distinctly and
openly the record and process abovesaid with all things touching
them to us on the Octaves of St. Michael wherever we shall be then
in England under your seals, and this writ, so that, the abovesaid
record and process having been inspected, we may make to be
done further thereof what of right and according to the law and
custom of our realm of England should be done. Tested me myself
at Brechurche September 17 in the 30th year of our reign
[September 17, 1538]. The record and process of which mention is made in the abovesaid writ
follow in these words: Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court there before the mayor
and bailiffs there held on Monday before the feast of the
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 29th year of the reign
of King Henry VIII [January 28, 1538]. William Beste and Lareta his wife lately the wife and executrix of
the testament of John Fay complain of John Dever in a plea of
debt, who is attached by his bail and delivered by pledge of
Thomas Perott. And the same John Dever by assent of the party
complaining recognizes that he is bound to the lord mayor of the
abovesaid town in £20 sterling to appear here in court on Monday
before the feast of the Purification next after the date of this court
to answer the aforementioned plaintiff concerning the abovesaid
plea by the abovesaid pledge. Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court held before the mayor
and bailiffs there on Monday after the feast of the first Sunday
after Easter in the 30th year of the reign of King Henry VIII [April
29, 1538]. At this court William Beste and Lareta his wife lately the wife and
executrix of the testament of John Fay plaintiff and John Dever
defendant recognize that they and each of them are obligated to the
lord mayor of the abovesaid town in £10 sterling to stand to the
ordinance, arbitration, and judgment of Andrew Selake and Robert
Colyns arbitrators chosen between them of and on all and all
manner actions, suits, complaints, trespasses, debts, debates, and
demands whatsoever had, made or pending between them before
the present date, so that this manner judgment be made and
rendered here before the next court; if they cannot agree, then the
parties abovesaid have day by the court for that plea to be pleaded
at the next court etc. Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court held there before the
mayor and bailiffs there on May 6 in the 30th year of the reign of
King Henry VIII [May 6, 1538]. At this court come Andrew Selake and Robert Colyns arbitrators
chosen between the abovesaid parties and say that they cannot
agree of and on the abovesaid plea etc. And because the said John
Dever did not come to this court to answer the aforementioned
William and Lareta, therefore Thomas Perott pledge of the said
defendant in mercy etc. Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court held there before the
mayor and bailiffs there on Monday before the feast of the
Ascension of the Lord in the 30th year of the reign of King Henry
VIII [May 27, 1538]. William Beste and Lareta his wife lately the wife and executrix of
the testament of John Fay complain of John Dever in a plea of
debt. [In English:] The seyd plaintiffs that beeth in ther proper persons
sayth that the defendant wrongfully witholdith & payth them not
£7 13s4d sterling which he owith them & payth them not
forasmych the 24th day of December in the 15th yere of our
soverayn lorde Kynge Henry theight here at Clifton Dertemouth
Hardenesse within the jurisdiction of this courte oone Wylliam
Deane & John Dever now defendant bought of the forsaid John
Fay 5 hogghhedes of clarett wyne at the price of £5 sterling and 4
hundred weight resons price of 26s8d and 4 sortes of feges price of
26s8d, the hole somme amounteth to £7 13s4d nowe in demande
and the foresayd Wylliam Deane & John Dever aforeseyd
promysed & every of them promysed to the [IMG 0071] above
wryten John Fay the seyd £7 13s4d nowe in demaunde to the fest
of Saynt John the Baptist next ensuying the date abovewryten that
they wolde make payment or one of them to make payment to the
seyd John Fay or to his executours & assignes after that ye sayme
contracke & bargayne so made by the above wryten Wylliam Dean
& John Dever now the defendant the seyd Wylliam dyed & by the
reson of the seyd contract & bargen the defendaunt stode charged
to make payment of the hole somme of mony nowe in demaunde to
the seyde John Fay by the reson whereof the 13th day of Octobere
next ensuying the date above wrytten here at Clifton Dartemouth
Hardenesse within the jurisdiction of this cowrt the defendant
promysed to the seyd John to make hym fulle payment of the seyd
mony nowe in demande at any tyme when he therunto shuld be
lawfully requyred by the seyd John Fay where as the defendant at
no tyme made the seyd John Fay payment and after that the seyd
John Fay yn his parfytt mynde made Larete his wyffe his executrix
& so John Fay dyed, after whose deth she was admyttyd as
executrix by the ordynary to the seid John Fay by testament which
is here at alle tymes redy to be shewyd, after that the seid Larete
toke Wylliam Beste to hosbond & to thend the sacrament of
matrymonye mynystred in the churche of Kyngeswere by reson
whereof the dett acruyth to the seyd pleyntyffes where as the seyd
plaintiffs have come to the defendant & requyred hym to make
payment of the same dett now indemaunde & as that to do the
defendant hath at alle tymes denyed as yet doth to the grete
grevous hurte & damage of the plaintiffs of 33s4d sterlinge besyde
the pryncipall & [in Latin:] thereof they produce suit. At which day the aforementioned John Dever did not appear
but defaulted etc. Nevertheless, the abovesaid Thomas Perott the
pledge of the same defendant comes and defends force and injury
when etc., and says that if the said John Dever will not appear here
in the court of the abovesaid town on the Monday next to come to
answer the aforementioned William and Lareta concerning the
abovesaid plea, then the same Thomas Perott promised in open
court to pay the whole sum of money above in demand to the
aforementioned William and Lareta without any delay. Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court held there before the
mayor and bailiffs there on Monday before the feast of Pentecost in
the 30th year of the reign of King Henry VIII [June 3, 1538]. At which day the abovesaid John Dever did not appear to answer
the aforementioned William Beste and Lareta his wife concerning
the abovesaid plea but made another default, and thus for lack of
response in this part the same John Dever is condemned of the debt
abovesaid, and the said plaintiffs seek from the mayor and bailiffs
judgment to be made thereon; nevertheless at the request of the
said Thomas Perott and by the assent of the parties complaining
judgment is respited until the next court. Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness. The court held there before the
mayor and the bailiffs there on Monday, viz., morrow of Trinity in
the 30th year of the reign of King Henry VIII [June 17, 1538]. At this court the mayor and bailiffs of the abovesaid town gave
judgment in the guildhall of the abovesaid town that the said
William Beste and Lareta his wife recover from the John Dever the
debt above in demand in which he is condemned by lack of
response as appears in the court preceding. Therefore let happen
execution against Thomas Perott pledge of the said John Dever etc. Afterwards, scilt., on November 10 this same term before the lord king
at Westminster comes the abovesaid John Dever by Richard Heywood
his attorney and says that in the abovesaid record and process as well as
in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment it was manifestly erred for
this, viz., at the court [before] the said mayor and bailiffs held [IMG 0284]
on the Monday on the morrow of the Holy Trinity in the 30th year
abovesaid, at which certain court judgment was rendered of and on
the premisses between the parties, in this that neither part of the
abovesaid parties appeared at the same court, whereby the plea
abovesaid was totally discontinued, as appears above of record etc. And further in the abovesaid record it was erred because the
abovesaid mayor and bailiffs in the rendering of the abovesaid
judgment gave no damages to the aforementioned William Best
and Laretta for detention of the debt abovesaid nor for his outlays
and costs sustained by him on his suit, nor in that judgment does it
appear that the defendant would be in mercy as by the law of the
land he ought to be. And the same John Dever seeks the lord king’s writ to warn the
abovesaid William and Laretta to be before the said lord king to hear the
record and process abovesaid, and it is granted to him etc. Whereby it is
ordered to the sheriff that by prudent etc., he should make to be known
to the aforementioned William and Laretta that they be before the lord
king on the Octaves of St. Hilary wherever etc., to hear the record and
process abovesaid if etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the
aforementioned John Dever etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster come the abovesaid
John Dever by his attorney abovesaid, and the sheriff did not send the
writ thereof. Therefore as formerly it is ordered to the sheriff that by
prudent etc., he should make it to be known to the aforementioned
William and Laretta that they be before the lord king at 15 days after
Easter wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if etc.,
and further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned John
Dever etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
John Dever by his abovesaid attorney. And the sheriff did not send the
writ thereof. Therefore as many times it is ordered to the sheriff that by
prudent etc., he should make it to be known to the aforementioned
William and Laretta that they be before the lord king at 15 days after the
day of the Holy Trinity wherever etc., to hear the abovesaid record and
process if etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the
aforementioned John Dever etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
John Dever by his abovesaid attorney, and the sheriff did not send the
writ thereof. Therefore as many times it is ordered to the sheriff that by
prudent etc., he should make to be known to the aforementioned William
and Laretta that they be before the lord king at one month after the day
of St. Michael wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if
etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned John
Dever etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
John Dever by his abovesaid attorney, and the sheriff returns that the
abovesaid William and Laretta have nothing in his bailiwick whereby to
make them to know nor are they found in the same. Therefore as many
times it is ordered to the sheriff that by prudent etc., he make it to be
known to the aforementioned William and Laretta that they be before the
lord king on the Octaves of St. Martin wherever etc., to hear the record
and process abovesaid if etc., and further etc. The same day is given to
the aforementioned John Dever etc. At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
John Dever by his abovesaid attorney, and the sheriff returns that the
abovesaid William and Laretta have nothing in his bailiwick whereby he
can make it to be known to them nor are they found in his bailiwick, and
the abovesaid William and Laretta [the body of the enrollment simply
stops at this point, but there is the margination as below.] [margination:] Let the judgment be revoked.