Thomas Fisher v. Ralph Pigatt of Chevinside in Duffield, carpenter
Derby attorneys: Thomas Moore, Ranulph Leither
Error plaintiff's king's bench attorney: William Brown
Error in king's bench (Hilary term, 1608) on an action in the court of Derby, Derbyshire
AALT images for Fisher v. Pigatt This action of error on a case of debt on an obligation (performance
bond for the delivery of lead) has an assigned error relating to the
proper form of the joinder in issue, but the enrollment stops
immediately after assignment of errors. The lord king sent to the bailiffs, burgesses, and recorder of his town of
Derby his writ close in these words: James by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the bailiffs, burgesses, and
recorder of his town of Derby, greetings. Because in the record
and process and also in the rendering of judgment of a plea that
was before you in our court of the abovesaid town without our writ
according to the custom of the same town between Thomas Fisher
and Ralph Pygatt concerning a debt of £16 that the same Thomas
exacts from the aforementioned Ralph as it is said manifest error
intervened to the grave damage of the same Ralph as we have
received from his complaint, we, wanting the error if any there was
to be corrected in due manner and full and swift justice to be done
to the abovesaid parties in this part, order you as formerly we
ordered you that if judgment has been rendered thereof then you
send distinctly and openly the abovesaid record and process with
everything touching them to us under your seal [sic], and this writ,
so that we have them on the Octaves of Michaelmas wherever we
shall then be in England, so that, the abovesaid record and process
having been inspected we may make to be done further for the
correction of that error what of right and according to the law and
custom of our realm of England should be done or signify the
cause to us why you have not wanted or be able to execute our
order formerly directed to you thereof. Tested me myself at
Westminster July 9 in the 5th year of our reign of England, France,
and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland [July 9, 1607]. Drawater. The record and process of which mention is made in the abovesaid writ
follow in these words: The Borough of Derby. The court of the lord king of his borough
of Derby held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
April 22 in the 4th year of the reign of our Lord James by the grace
of God king of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith,
and the 39th of Scotland [April 22, 1606], before John Parker and
Peter Gearye the lord king’s bailiffs of the abovesaid borough and
Henry Duport armiger recorder of the same borough according to
the liberties and privileges of the same borough used and approved
from time whereof there is no memory of men. At this court comes Thomas Fisher in his proper person and
complains against Ralph Pigatt alias Ralph Pigatt of Chevinside in
the parish of Duffield in the county of Derbyshire carpenter
concerning a plea that he render to him £16 that he owes and
unjustly detains etc. Pledges to prosecute: John Doo and Richard
Roo. And he seeks process thereof to be made for him according
to the custom of the abovesaid borough against the aforementioned
Ralph. And it is granted to him. Thereon at the same court
according to the custom of the abovesaid borough it was ordered to
the serjeants at mace within the abovesaid borough and ministers
of the abovesaid court and each of them that they take the
aforementioned Ralph Pigatt if he should be found within the
abovesaid borough and safely guard him so that they have his body
at the next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid borough to be
held in the mootehall there before the bailiffs and record or the
same borough to answer the aforementioned Thomas Fisher
concerning the abovesaid plea. At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
May 13 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland and the 39th of Scotland [May 13,
1606] before the aforementioned John Parker and Peter Gearye the
said lord king’s bailiffs of the abovesaid borough and the
abovesaid Henry Duport recorder of the same borough, Edward
Hobbrooke and Christofer Harwood serjeants at mace within the
abovesaid borough returned the abovesaid precept of capias
directed in the abovesaid form served and executed, viz., that by
virtue of the abovesaid precept they took the body of the within-named Ralph Pigatt, whose certain body [IMG 1062] they have
before the aforementioned bailiffs and recorder as by the abovesaid
precept it was ordered to them. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph
Pigatt solemnly exacted appeared in his proper person to answer
the aforementioned Thomas Fisher in the abovesaid plea. And he
finds pledges, scilt., Robert Ball of Derby abovesaid who
mainperned for the aforementioned Ralph Pigatt that if it happen
that the same Ralph at the suit of the abovesaid Thomas is
convicted then if the abovesaid Ralph not pay all the debts,
damages, outlays and costs on the judgment thereof rendered to the
aforementioned Thomas Fisher or not render himself to the said
lord king’s jail of the abovesaid borough that the same Robert Ball
would pay the same debts, damages, outlays, and costs on the
judgment rendered thereof to the aforementioned Thomas Fisher or
would render himself to the said lord king’s jail of the abovesaid
borough. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph then and there put in his
place Thomas Moore his attorney admitted by the court here to
gain or lose against the aforementioned Thomas Fisher in the
abovesaid plea. And similarly at the same court the abovesaid Thomas Fisher
put in his place Ranulph Leither his attorney admitted by the court
here to gain or lose against the aforementioned Ralph Pigatt in the
abovesaid plea. And the abovesaid Thomas Fisher then seeks day until the
next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid borough in the
mootehall to be held there before the bailiffs and the recorder of
the same borough to narrate against the aforementioned Ralph
Pigatt in the abovesaid plea, and he has it. And the same day is
given to the aforementioned Ralph here etc. At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
June 3 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland and the 39th of Scotland [June 3,
1606] come both the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his abovesaid
attorney and the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt by his abovesaid attorney.
And the abovesaid Thomas Fisher then by narrating against the
aforementioned Ralph Pigatt says and whereof the same Thomas Fisher by Ranulph Leither his
attorney says that, whereas the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt on
October 26 in the 2nd year of the reign of our now Lord James
king of England etc., and the 38th of Scotland here at the
borough of Derby and within the jurisdiction of this court by
his obligatory writing sealed by the seal of the same Ralph
and shown to the court here, the date of which is the
abovesaid day and year, granted that he was bound to the
same Thomas in the abovesaid £16 of the lawful money of
England to be paid to the same Thomas when he should be
asked thereof, nevertheless the abovesaid Ralph although
often asked has not yet paid the abovesaid £16 to the same
Thomas but has refused to this time to render them to him
and still refuses, wherefore he says that he is worse off and
has damages to the value of £5. And thereof he produces suit
etc. And thereon the abovesaid Ralph Piggatt by the abovesaid
Thomas Moore his attorney seeks license thereof to emparl until
the next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid borough to be held
in the mootehall there before the bailiffs and [IMG 2487] recorder
of the same borough. And he has etc. The same day is given to the
aforementioned Thomas Fisher etc. [Similar sessions at the following dates with emparlments
simply to the next court: June 24 July 15 August 5][IMG 2488] At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
August 26 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc., and the
40th of Scotland here come both the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt by his
abovesaid attorney and the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his
abovesaid attorney. And the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt pleaded in
bar, viz., And the abovesaid Ralph by Thomas Moore his attorney
comes and defends force and injury when. And he seeks oyer
of the abovesaid writing. And it is read to him etc. He seeks
also oyer of the condition of the same writing, and it is read
to him in these words [in English]: The condicion of this obligacion is such that yf the
above bounden William Smithe and Raphe Piggatt or
either of them or the heires executors administrators or
assignes of them or either of them doe in or upon the
one and twentithe daye of may nex cominge well and
trulie deliver & paye or cause to be delivered and paid
unto the above named Thomas Fisher his executors
administrators or assignes att the now dwellinge house
of Raphe Spencer weyver scituate of Workesworthe
Hill side one fother & nyne footes of good and
marchantable peake leade in small peeces commonlie
called pigges accomptinge thirtie footes to the fother
and everie foote to conteyne six stones by the usuall
weighte now used at the smiltinge howse mylne of mr.
John Curzon esquier nere Workesworthe aforesaid and
without fraude or further delaye that then this
obligacion to be void and of none effect or els to stand
and be in full power force & vertue. Which having been read and heard, the same Ralph says that
the abovesaid Thomas Fisher ought not to have or maintain
his abovesaid action thereof against him, because he says that
he delivered to the aforementioned Thomas Fisher the
abovesaid lead, in English, the fother of leade and nyne
footes, in the mansion house of the abovesaid Ralph Spencer
at Wirksworth abovesaid within the jurisdiction of this court
abovesaid on May 21 that he ought to have paid to the same
Thomas on the same day according to the form and effect of
the abovesaid condition. And this he is ready to verify,
wherefore he seeks judgment if the abovesaid Thomas ought
to have or maintain his abovesaid action against him etc. And thereon the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his attorney
abovesaid seeks day until the said lord king’s next court of the
abovesaid borough in the mootehall there before the bailiffs and
recorder of the same borough to be held to replicate. And he has
etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned Ralph Pigatte
here etc. At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
September 16 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king
of England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland come both
the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his abovesaid attorney and the
abovesaid Ralph Pigatte by his abovesaid attorney. And the
abovesaid Thomas Fisher then by replicating says that he by
anything alleged before ought not be precluded from having his
abovesaid action, because he says that the abovesaid Ralph did not
deliver to the aforementioned Thomas Fisher the abovesaid lead, in
English, the fother of leade and nyne foote, in the mancional house
of the abovesaid Ralph Spencer at Wirksworth abovesaid within
the jurisdiction of this court on May 21 abovesaid as he [IMG
1063] ought to have paid to the same Thomas according to the
form and effect of the abovesaid condition. And he seeks that this
be inquired by the countryside. And the abovesaid Ralph similarly
etc. Therefore according to the custom of the abovesaid borough
it is ordered to the serjeants at mace within the abovesaid borough
and ministers of the abovesaid court that they make to come to the
next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid borough to be held in
the mootehall there before the bailiffs and the recorder of the same
borough 12 lawful burgesses of the abovesaid borough by whom
the truth of the matter can be better known and who neither touch
the aforementioned Thomas Fisher plaintiff nor the aforementioned
Ralph Pigatt defendant in the abovesaid plea by any affinity to
make a certain jury of the countryside between the abovesaid
parties concerning the abovesaid plea, because both the
aforementioned Thomas Fisher and the aforementioned Ralph
Pigatt between whom the contention is thereof have put themselves
on that jury, and that he have there the names of the abovesaid
jurors and the abovesaid precept. The same day is given to the
abovesaid parties here etc. At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
October 7 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland before
Robert Brownell and Richard Wandell the lord king’s bailiffs of
the abovesaid borough and the aforementioned Henry Duport
armiger recorder of the same borough here come both the
abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his abovesaid attorney and the
abovesaid Ralph Pigatt by his abovesaid attorney. And Edward
Holbrooke and Christofer Harwood serjeant at mace within the
abovesaid borough and ministers of the abovesaid court did not
send their precept. Therefore as before it is ordered to the serjeants
at mace within the abovesaid borough and ministers of the
abovesaid court that they make to come at the next said lord king’s
court of the abovesaid borough to be held in the mootehall there
before the bailiffs and recorder of the same borough 12 etc., by
whom etc., and who neither etc., to recognize in the abovesaid
form, because both etc. The same day is given to the abovesaid
parties here etc. [Similar orders at the sessions of October 28 November 18 [IMG 1064] December 9 December 30 January 20, 1607 [IMG 2489] February 10] At which certain next court of the said lord king of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
March 3 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland and the 41st of Scotland here come
both the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his abovesaid attorney and
the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt by his abovesaid attorney. And
Christofer Harwood and Roger Moore serjeants at mace within the
abovesaid borough and ministers of the abovesaid court return
their precept together with a certain panel of 12 lawful burgesses
of the abovesaid borough served and executed in everything. And
thereon the jurors of that jury impaneled, viz., William Bludworth,
Thomas Baggaley, William Else, Thomas Neale, Alexander
Beardesley, Richard Harrison, jr., Richard Harwood, Thomas
Streete, Anthony Bludworth, Elizeus Stanfeild, Roger Eaton, and
William Fletcher sherman, exacted, similarly come, who, chosen,
tried, and sworn to tell the truth concerning the premisses, say on
their oath that the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt did not deliver to the
aforementioned Thomas Fisher the abovesaid lead, in English, the
fother of leade and nyne footes, specified in the abovesaid
condition as the abovesaid Ralph Pigatte in his abovesaid bar
above alleged, and they assess the damages of the same Thomas by
occasion of the detention of that debt at 2d beyond his outlays and
costs put out by him on his suit in this part, and for those outlays
and costs at 2d. And because the lord king’s court here wants to
advise [itself] of and on the premisses before it renders judgment
thereof, day is given to the abovesaid parties here until the next
said lord king’s court of the abovesaid borough to be held in the
mootehall there before the bailiffs and the recorder of the same
borough to hear thereof their judgment, because the same court
here thereof not yet etc. At which certain next said lord king’s court of the abovesaid
borough held at the abovesaid borough in the mootehall there on
March 24 in the 4th year of the reign of the said now lord king of
England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Ireland here come both
the abovesaid Thomas Fisher by his abovesaid attorney and the
abovesaid Ralph Pigatt by his abovesaid attorney. And thereon the
premisses having been seen and understood by the court here, it is
granted by the court that the abovesaid Thomas Fisher recover
against the aforementioned Ralph Pigatt his abovesaid debt and his
damages [IMG 2490] assessed in the abovesaid form at 2d by the
abovesaid jurors as well as 15s 5d adjudicated to the same Thomas
Fisher at his request for his outlays and costs abovesaid by the
court here by way of increment, which certain damages, outlays,
and costs in all amount to 15s7d, and the abovesaid Ralph in mercy
etc. Afterwards, scilt., on Saturday next after the Octaves of St. Hilary this
same term before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Ralph Pigatt by William Browne his attorney. And immediately he says
that in the record and process abovesaid and also in the rendering of the
abovesaid judgment it was manifestly erred in this, viz., that whereas by the abovesaid record it appears that the abovesaid
Ralph pleaded that he the same Ralph delivered to the same
Thomas Fisher the abovesaid lead, in English, the fother of leade &
nyne foote, in the abovesaid mancional house of the abovesaid
Ralph Spencer at Wirksworth abovesaid on the abovesaid May 21
that he ought to have paid the same Thomas on the same day
according to the form and effect of the abovesaid condition and
that the abovesaid Thomas by replicating alleged that the
abovesaid Ralph did not deliver to the same Thomas the abovesaid
lead, in English, the fother of leade & nyne foote, in the manner
and form as the same Ralph by pleading alleged, and thereon issue
joined between the abovesaid parties concerning the abovesaid
plea the jurors impaneled and sworn to try the abovesaid issue said
on their oath that the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt did not deliver to the
aforementioned Thomas Fisher the abovesaid lead, in English, the
fother of leade & nyne footes, specified above in the abovesaid
condition as the abovesaid Ralph Pigatt in his abovesaid bar
alleged, where in truth the same Ralph alleged that the same Ralph
delivered to the aforementioned Thomas the abovesaid lead, in
English, the fother of leade & nyne footes, and thus there is no
right trial of the abovesaid issue as it ought, and therefore it was
erred. Likewise that the judgment rendered is for the plaintiff, where by
the law of the land it ought to have been rendered for the
defendant. [Nothing more appears.]