Edmund Hamerton of Crowle, Lincolnshire, yeoman v. Robert Milner of Beverley, Yorkshire, yeoman
Kingston upon Hull attorneys: William Foxley, George Harwood
Error plaintiff's king's bench attorney: Robert Dixon
Error in king's bench (Michaelmas term, 1607) on an action in the court of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire
AALT images for Hamerton v. Milner This action of error on a suit of debt on an obligation (a hold-harmless
performance bond) in the court of Kingston upon Hull contains a nice
defeasance in English. The judgment here, unusually, was affirmed. The lord king sent to the mayor and sheriff of his town of Kingston upon
Hull his writ close in these words: James by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland, defender of the faith etc., to the mayor and sheriff of his
town of Kingston upon Hull, greetings. Because in the record and
process and also in the rendering of judgment of a plea that was
before you in our court of the abovesaid town without our writ
according to the custom of the same town between Edmund
Hamerton and Robert Milner concerning a certain debt that the
same Edmund exacts from the aforementioned Robert as it is said
manifest error intervened to the grave damage of the same Robert
as we have received from his complaint, we, wanting the error if
any there was to be corrected in due manner and full and swift
justice to be done to the abovesaid parties in his part, order you
that if judgment has been rendered thereof then send distinctly and
openly the abovesaid record and process together with everything
touching them to us under your seals, and this writ, so that we have
them at Trinity three weeks wherever we shall then be in England,
so that, the abovesaid record and process having been inspected,
we may make to be done further for the correction of that error
what of right and according to the law and custom of our realm of
England should be done. Tested me myself at Westminster June 1
of the 5th year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland and the
40th of Scotland. [June 1, 1607] Harrison The record and process of the plea whereof mention is made in the
abovesaid writ together with everything touching them follow in these
words: Kingston upon Hull. The court of the Lord James by the grace of
God king of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith
etc., held on February 6 in the 4th year of the reign of said lord king
of England, France, and Ireland and the 40th of Scotland [February
6, 1607] at his town of Kingston upon Hull in the guildhall of the
same town before George Almond mayor of that town and Richard
Burges sheriff of the abovesaid town and of the same county
according to the custom of that town used and approved from time
whereof the memory of men runs not to the contrary. Suit. At this court comes Edmund Hamerton of Crowle in the
county of Lincolnshire yeoman in his proper person and complains
against Robert Milner of Beverley in the county of Yorkshire
yeoman concerning a plea that he render to him £40 of the good
and lawful money of England that he owes him and unjustly
detains etc. And he finds pledges to prosecute his complaint
abovesaid, scilt., John Doo and Richard Roo. And he seeks
process to be made for him thereof and against the aforementioned
Robert Milner of and on the abovesaid complaint according to the
custom of the abovesaid town, and it is granted to him etc.
Therefore according to the custom of the abovesaid town used
from the whole abovesaid time it is ordered to Peter Smeaton one
of the serjeants at mace and a minister of the abovesaid court that
he summon by good summoners the abovesaid Robert Milner so
that he be at the court of the said lord king to be held at the
abovesaid town in the abovesaid guildhall before the
aforementioned mayor and sheriff according to the custom of the
abovesaid town used from the whole time abovesaid there, scilt.,
February 9 in the abovesaid 4th year of the king to answer the
aforementioned Edmund Hamerton in the abovesaid complaint.
The same day is given to the aforementioned Edmund here etc. At which certain lord king’s court held here on the said February 9
[February 9, 1607] at the abovesaid town in the abovesaid
guildhall before the aforementioned mayor and sheriff according to
the custom of the abovesaid town used from the whole abovesaid
time there comes the aforementioned Edmund Hamerton in his
proper person and presents himself against the abovesaid Robert
Milner concerning the abovesaid plea. And the abovesaid Peter
Smeaton serjeant at mace then and there attests that the abovesaid
Robert Milner had nothing within the abovesaid town or the liberty
of the same whereby he could be summoned to answer at this day.
Thereon then and there it was ordered further to the
aforementioned Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace and minister of the
abovesaid court according to the custom of the abovesaid town
used from the whole abovesaid time that he take the abovesaid
Robert Milner so that he have his body at the said lord king’s court
to be held at the town abovesaid in the abovesaid guildhall before
the aforementioned mayor and the abovesaid sheriff according to
the custom of the abovesaid town on February 10 in the abovesaid
year to answer the aforementioned Edmund Hamerton concerning
the abovesaid plea. The same day also is given to the same
Edmund here etc. At which certain court of the said lord king held at the abovesaid
town in the abovesaid guildhall abovesaid on the said February 10
in the abovesaid year [February 10, 1607] before the mayor and the
sheriff abovesaid according to the custom of the abovesaid town
come both the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton and the abovesaid
Robert Milner in their proper persons. And the abovesaid Peter
Smeaton serjeant at mace now here returns the abovesaid precept
directed to him in the abovesaid form served and executed in
everything, viz., that he by virtue of the abovesaid precept took the
abovesaid Robert Mylner by his body and has his body here at this
day ready as by the abovesaid precept it was ordered to him. And
thereon come here in court the abovesaid George Johnson and
Christofer Maxwell jr., and according to the custom of the
abovesaid town used and approved from all the abovesaid time
there and mainperned for the abovesaid Robert Mylner that he
would stand to right in the same court here on the complaint
abovesaid and make a default on no day given him by the court
here thereof nor withdraw or absent himself from the execution of
judgment in the abovesaid complaint if it be rendered against him,
under the penalty of incurring the same execution to be made and
exacted from the bodies or from their goods and chattels if it
happen that the abovesaid Robert Milner at any day given to him
make default or absent himself from receiving and awaiting
execution of judgment if it should be rendered against him. And the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton then and there puts in
his place William Foxley his attorney against the abovesaid Robert
Milner concerning the abovesaid plea. And the same Robert Milner puts in his place George
Harwood his attorney against the aforementioned Edmund
Hamerton concerning the abovesaid plea. [IMG 0923] And thereon the aforementioned Edmund Hamerton by
narrating against the aforementioned Robert Milner of and on the
abovesaid complaint by his attorney abovesaid says that, whereas
the abovesaid Robert on January 19 in the 39th year of the reign of
the Elizabeth late queen of England [January 19, 1597] at Kingston
upon Hull within the fee and jurisdiction of this court by his certain
obligatory writing sealed by his seal and shown to the court here,
the date of which is the same day and year, granted that he was
bound and firmly obligated to the aforementioned Edmund in the
abovesaid £50 to be paid to the same Edmund or to his certain
attorney, his heirs, executors or administrators at any time
afterwards when thereof he should be asked, nevertheless the
abovesaid Robert although often asked has not yet rendered the
abovesaid £50 to the aforementioned Edmund but has refused to
this time to render them to him and still refuses, wherefore he says
that he is worse off and has damages to the value of £10, and
thereof produces suit etc. And the abovesaid Robert Milner by his abovesaid attorney
comes and defends force and injury when etc., and he seeks license
thereof to emparl here until the said lord king’s court to be held at
the abovesaid town in the said guildhall before the aforementioned
mayor and sheriff according to the custom of the town abovesaid
used from the whole abovesaid time on Thursday, scilt., March 5 in
the abovesaid year etc. [March 5, 1607] And he has it etc. [IMG
1736] The same day is given to the aforementioned Edmund
Hamerton here etc. At which certain court of the said lord king held on the said March
5 in the 4th year abovesaid [March 5, 1607] at the abovesaid town
in the abovesaid guildhall before the aforementioned mayor and
sheriff according to the custom of the abovesaid town used from
the whole abovesaid time come both the abovesaid Edmund
Hamerton and the abovesaid Robert Milner by his abovesaid
attorney. And thereon the same Edmund by his abovesaid attorney
seeks that the abovesaid Robert Milner at his narration answer to
him etc. Thereon the abovesaid Robert Milner by his abovesaid
attorney seeks oyer of the abovesaid obligatory writing and it is
read to him in these words: Know all by the presents that I Robert Milner of Beverley in
the county of Yorkshire yeoman am bound and firmly
obligated to Edmund Hamerton of Crowle in the county of
Lincolnshire yeoman in £50 of the good and lawful money of
England to be paid to the same Edmund Hamerton or his
certain attorney, his executors or administrators, to which
certain payment well and faithfully to be made I oblige
myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by the
presents, sealed by my seal, dated January 19 in the 39th year
of the reign of our Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God queen
of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith etc. He seeks also oyer of the condition of the same writing, and it is
read to him in these words [in English]: The condicion of this obligacion is such that wheras the
above bounden Roberte Milner standeth bounde iointlye &
serveralie with the above named Edmunde Hamerton by three
severall obligacions or bills obligatorie unto one John
Chapman of Kingston upon Hull in the said countie of
Kingston merchante for the true payment of twentye &
seaven pounds of lawful english money to be paide unto him
the said John Chapman at certaine daies by past as in and by
the said three severall obligacions or bills obligatorie more at
large appeareth and for the payment fulle satisfaction &
discharge of which said some of twenty seaven pounds & of
everie parte and parcelle thereof the said Edmund Hamerton
before thensealinge & delivery of these presentes hath welle
and trulye delivered unto him the said Roberte Milner
certaine houshould stuffe cattle and money which doeth
amounte and come to the valew of the said twenty seaven
pounds to be paide over by him the said Robert Milner or his
assignes unto the said John Chapman his heires and executors
administrators or assignes for the full satisfaction &
discharge of the said twenty seaven pounds in the said
severall obligacions mencioned if therefore the saide Robert
Milner his executors administrators or assignes or any of
them shalle faithfully & trulie paie or cause to be paide unto
the said John Chapman his executors administrators or
assignes or any of them the said some of twenty seaven
pounds and alsoe save keepe harmeles unpreiudissed &
undempnified the said Edmonde Hamerton his executors &
administrators & everie of them of & frome the sayd xx
seaven poundes and from alle other losses suites indempnities
& incumbrances whatsoever which by any waies or meanes
may arise come & growe by reason of the said three severall
obligacions or either or any of them and alsoe yf the saide
Robert Milner his executors or assignes or any of them shall
one thisside the feaste of St. Michael Tharckangelle next
ensuinge the date hereof deliver or cause to be delivered unto
the saide Edmonde Hamerton his executors administrators or
assignes or some of them the said three obligacions or els
such an acquittance under the hand & seale of the said John
Chapman for his further securitie & discharge of the said
twenty seaven poundes as shalbe in the lawe thought
convenient accordinge to the effect & true meaning of theis
presentes, that then this present obligacion to be voide and of
none effecte or els it to be stande remayne & bee in fulle
force power strength and vertue. [IMG 1737] Which having been read and heard, the same Robert says that the
abovesaid Edmund ought not have or maintain his action thereof
against him, because he says that he well paid and satisfied the
aforementioned John Chapman named in the same condition the
abovesaid sum of £27 according to the tenor of the abovesaid
condition, scilt., on May 1 in the 1st year of the reign of the said our
Lord James king etc., scilt., of England, France, and Ireland and
the 36th of Scotland at Kingston upon Hull abovesaid and well and
faithfully kept harmless the abovesaid Edmund of and from the
abovesaid sum of £27 and all suits and whatsoever indemnities
concerning the abovesaid three separate obligations specified in the
abovesaid condition, and also that he the aforementioned Robert
delivered to the aforementioned Edmund the abovesaid three
separate obligations specified in the said condition before the said
feast of St. Michael the Archangel then next following after the
date of the said obligation. And this he is ready to verify,
wherefore he seeks judgment etc., wherefore etc. And the abovesaid Edmund says that he by anything alleged
above [ought] not to be precluded from having his abovesaid
action etc., because by protesting that the abovesaid Robert did not
keep him the abovesaid Edmund harmless of and from the
abovesaid sum of £27 and from all suits and indemnities
whatsoever concerning the abovesaid 3 separate obligations
specified in the abovesaid condition nor did he the abovesaid
Robert deliver to the aforementioned Edmund the abovesaid 3
separate obligations before the feast of St. Michael the Archangel
then next following after the date of the said obligation, for a plea
says that the abovesaid Robert did not well pay and satisfy the
aforementioned John Chapman the abovesaid sum of £27 in the
manner and form as he above by pleading alleged, and he seeks
that this be inquired by the countryside etc. And the abovesaid
Robert similarly etc. Therefore according to the custom of the
abovesaid town used there from the whole time abovesaid, it is
ordered to the abovesaid Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace and
minister of the abovesaid court that he make to come here at the
court of the said lord king to be held in the abovesaid town in the
guildhall of the same town before the aforementioned mayor and
sheriff [IMG 0924] according to the custom of the abovesaid town
used from the whole abovesaid time, scilt., on March 11 in the
abovesaid 4th year of the abovesaid king 12 prudent and lawful
men of the abovesaid town by whom etc., and who neither etc., to
recognize etc., because both etc. The same day is given to the
parties abovesaid here etc. At which certain court of the said lord king held on the said March
11 [March 11, 1607] at the abovesaid town in the abovesaid
guildhall before the aforementioned mayor and sheriff abovesaid
according to the custom of the abovesaid town used from the
whole abovesaid time came both the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton
and the abovesaid Robert Milner by their abovesaid attorneys.
And the abovesaid Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace returned the
abovesaid precept directed to him in the abovesaid form served and
executed in everything of venire facias etc., together with the panel
of names of jurors, scilt., Robert Fryer, James Bachus, Mathewe
Bucke, Thomas Johnson, Roland Savidge, Thomas Barton, James
Bonneck, Gregory Haye, Richard Wilson, John Wicome, Ralph
Rosse, and Henry Bradley, of whom none etc. Whereby the jury
between the abovesaid parties is put in respite here until the said
lord king’s court of the abovesaid town held in the abovesaid
guildhall on March 18 in the abovesaid year [March 18, 1607]
before the aforementioned mayor and sheriff according to the
custom of the abovesaid town used from the whole time abovesaid
for default of jurors, because none then there came etc. And it was
ordered to the abovesaid Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace that he
have then the bodies of the jurors etc. The same day is given to the
abovesaid parties here etc. At which certain said lord king’s court held at the abovesaid town
in the abovesaid guildhall on March 18 in the abovesaid year
[March 18, 1607] before the aforementioned mayor and sheriff
according to the custom of the abovesaid town came the abovesaid
parties by their abovesaid attorneys. And the abovesaid Peter
Smeaton serjeant at mace returned the abovesaid precept directed
to him in the abovesaid form of habeas corpus etc., served and
executed in everything, scilt., that each juror abovesaid by him is
separately mainperned by pledges: John Doo and Richard Roo.
And because none of them etc., therefore the jury between the
abovesaid parties is put further in respite here until the said lord
king’s court held at the abovesaid town in the abovesaid guildhall
on April 1 in the 5th year of the abovesaid King James before the
aforementioned mayor and sheriff according to the custom of the
abovesaid town used from the whole abovesaid time for default of
jurors etc., because none etc. And it was ordered further to the
aforementioned Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace and minister of the
abovesaid court that he then distrain the abovesaid jurors etc. The
same day is given also to the abovesaid parties here etc. At which certain court of the said lord king held at the abovesaid
town in the said guildhall on April 1 in the 5th year of the
abovesaid king [April 1, 1607] before the aforementioned mayor
and sheriff according to the custom of the abovesaid town used
from all the time abovesaid came both the abovesaid Edmund
Hamerton and the abovesaid Robert Milner by their abovesaid
attorneys. And the abovesaid Peter Smeaton serjeant at mace
returned the precept directed to him in the abovesaid form served
and executed in everything. And the jury abovesaid put in respite
similarly exacted appeared, who, chosen, tried and sworn to tell the
truth concerning the premisses, say on their oath that the abovesaid
Robert Milner did not pay the aforementioned John Chapman the
abovesaid sum of £27 on May 1 in the 1st year of the reign of the
said our Lord James king as the same Robert Milner within by
pleading alleged, and they assess the damages of the same Edmund
Hamerton by occasion of the detention of that debt withinwritten
beyond his outlays and costs put out by him on his suit in this part
at 1d, and for those outlays and costs at 1d. Therefore it is
considered that the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton recover against
the aforementioned Robert Milner his abovesaid debt and his
damages abovesaid assessed by the abovesaid jury in the abovesaid
form at 1d found above by the inquisition abovesaid as well as
17s2d for his abovesaid outlays and costs adjudicated by the court
of the said lord king here by way of increment, which certain
damages in all amount to 17s2d, and the abovesaid Robert Milner
in mercy etc. Afterwards, scilt., on Friday next after the quindene of Martinmas this
same term before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Robert Milner by Robert Dixon his attorney and says that in the record
and process abovesaid as well as in the rendering of the abovesaid
judgment manifestly it was erred in this, viz., that the jurors of the abovesaid jury between the abovesaid parties
assessed the damages of the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton by
occasion of the detention of his abovesaid debt beyond his outlays
and costs put out by him on his suit in that part at 1d and for those
outlays and costs at 1d, the judgment nevertheless for the same
Edmund against the aforementioned Robert Milner was rendered
that the abovesaid Edmund Hamerton recover against the
aforementioned Robert Milner his debt abovesaid and his
abovesaid damages assessed in the abovesaid form at 1d only as by
the abovesaid record of the abovesaid lord king’s court here
certified above as set out before fully appears, and thus the
abovesaid judgment rendered against the aforementioned Robert
Milner in the form abovesaid as set out before is erroneous and
void in law. And the same Robert Milner seeks the lord king’s writ to warn the
aforementioned Edmund to be before the lord king to hear the record and
process abovesaid, and it is granted to him etc., whereby it is ordered to
the sheriff that by prudent etc., from his bailiwick he make known to the
aforementioned Edmund that he be before the lord king on the Octaves
of St. Hilary wherever etc., to hear the record and process abovesaid if
etc., and further etc. The same day is given to the aforementioned
Robert etc. [Similar orders: from the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of Easter From the quindene of Easter to the morrow of Holy
Trinity From the morrow of Holy Trinity to Michaelmas month
[IMG 1738] From Michaelmas month to the Octaves of St. Hilary From the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of
Easter From the quindene of Easter to morrow of Holy Trinity From the morrow of Holy Trinity to Michaelmas month From Michaelmas month to the Octaves of St. Hilary From the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of
Easter From the quindene of Easter to the morrow of Holy
Trinity From the morrow of Holy Trinity to the Octaves of
Michaelmas From the Octaves of Michaelmas to the Octaves of St.
Hilary From the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of
Easter From the quindene of Easter to the morrow of Holy
Trinity From the morrow of Holy Trinity to the Octaves of
Michaelmas From the Octaves of Michaelmas to the Octaves of St.
Hilary From the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of
Easter From the quindene of Easter to the morrow of Holy
Trinity From the morrow of Holy Trinity to the Octaves of
Michaelmas From the Octaves of Michaelmas to the Octaves of St.
Hilary From the Octaves of St. Hilary to the quindene of
Easter From the quindene of Easter to the morrow of Holy
Trinity] At which day before the lord king at Westminster comes the abovesaid
Robert by his abovesaid attorney, and the sheriff did not send the writ
thereof. And the abovesaid Edmund on the 4th day of the plea solemnly
exacted similarly came by William Gibbons his attorney. Thereon the
abovesaid Robert as before says that in the record and process abovesaid
and also in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment it was manifestly
erred by alleging the abovesaid errors by him alleged in the abovesaid
form. And he seeks that the abovesaid judgment on account of those
errors and others being in the abovesaid record and process be revoked,
annulled, and completely had for nothing, and that he be restored to
everything that he lost by occasion of the abovesaid judgment and that
the abovesaid Edmund rejoin to the abovesaid errors, and that the court
of the lord king here proceed to the examination both of the abovesaid
record and process and of the abovesaid matters assigned above for
errors. And the abovesaid Edmund says that neither in the record and
process abovesaid nor in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment in
anything is it erred. And he seeks similarly that the court of the lord
king here proceed to the examination both of the record and process
abovesaid and of the matters abovesaid assigned for errors, and that the
abovesaid judgment be affirmed in everything. At which day before the lord king at Westminster come the abovesaid
parties by their abovesaid attorneys. Thereon, both the abovesaid record
and process and the judgment rendered on the same and the abovesaid
causes and matters above assigned for errors having been seen and more
fully understood by the court of the lord king here, because it seems to
the court of the lord king here that neither in the record and process
abovesaid nor in the rendering of the abovesaid judgment in anything is
it vicious or defective, it is considered that the abovesaid judgment be
affirmed in everything and stand in all its strength and vigor, the said
matters above assigned for errors in anything notwithstanding. And
further by the court of the lord king here it is considered that the
abovesaid Edmund recover against the aforementioned Robert £4
adjudicated to the same Edmund by the court of the lord king here
according to the form of the statute in this manner case published and
provided for his outlays, costs, and damages that he sustained by
occasion of the delay of execution abovesaid by pretext of the
prosecution of the said lord king’s abovesaid writ of error and the same
Edmund have execution against the aforementioned Robert etc. [Margination:] Let the judgment be affirmed. For outlays in defending the plea in the
form of the statute by occasion of delay in the execution of judgment at