English Palaeography: Document 2
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Veneris viij die Februarij (Latin: Friday the 8th of February)
Thomas Turnor plaintiff
Edward Roane defendant
For as much as this court was this
present daie informed by Masater Josseline
being of Counsell with the plaintiff that the defendant
prosecuteth an action of debt at the common
Lawe against the plaintiff and his suertie upon
An obligation which as appeareth by the defendants answerre upon his
othe in this court is paid, and became forfeited onely by the defendants
owne consent for damage onilie advantage is sought thereupon
It is therfore ordered that the defendants answerre be referred unto
Sir Mathew Baron knight one of the masters of this court to
consider whether the same be confessed (as is informed) by the
plaintiffs counsell and to certifie his opinion concerning the equitie of
the cause whereupon further order shalbe taken as shalbe
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