English Palaeography: Document 1

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In the cause at the suite of Josephe Birche complainant againste Joseph Hussey defendant
upon the motion of Master Wilbraham of counsaill with the said complainant yt is ordered that
the said defendant shall put in his perfecte answeare unto the plaintiffs bill in this courte
within fowre daies nexte ensuinge without further delay at his perill or els in defalte
thereof an iniunction shalbe awarded forth of this courte to stay the said defendants
proceedinges at the common lawe untill aunsweare and further order.


Touchinge the cause at the suite of Thomas Lowen complainant againste William Lowen
defendant, yt is ordered, that the said defendant shall have daie for the puttinge in of
his aunsweare, untill the sixth day of the nexte terme, and that the payment
of the charges of suche proces of contempte as have been in this cause awarded shalbe
suspended (savinge for suche fees as are presentlie due to thofficers) till the courte be
furthere informed of the due prosecution of the said proces.


Touchinge the cause at the suite of John Jenninges complainant againste Edward Glascocke
and William Glascocke gentleman defendants, upon the motion of Master Courtmore of counsaill
with the said defendants yt is ordered, that the said defendants shall at their perilles forthwith
bringe and deliver into this courte the money and bonde mentioned in a former order dated
the xith day this present moneth, to remaine in deposite till the matter be hearde
and that a comission shalbe awarded forthe of this courte wherein both parties may ioyne
to examine suche witnesses as either of them entend to use in this cause retornable , octaves
Trinity nexte, and upon theighte daie of the next terme, the same matter shalbe
published, and it shalbe heard in this courte upon theightenth day of the said nexte
terme without further delaye.


In the cause at the suite of Salomon Kinge complainant against William Crowe
John Crowlande and others defendants (struck through) the Bayliffes of great yarmouth defendants, yt is
ordered that the same matter shalbe heard in this courte, upon the seaventh day
of the nexte terme (the defendants havinge convenient notice of this Order.


In the cause at the suite of Mathewe complainant againste Thomass Scholey and
Jarvase Scholey defendants, yt is ordered that the same matter shalbe published upon the
fourth daie of the next terme, and heard in this courte upon the twelveth day of
the same terme, yf the said defendants (having convenient notice of this order before
the said day of publication) shall not then or in the meane tyme shewe good matter
in this courte to the contrarye.


In the cause at the suite of Henry Harte and Dorothie his wife complainants againste John
Rivett and Priscilla Rivett widowe defendants, yt is ordered that the same matter shalbe published
upon the fiveth day of the nexte terme, and hearde in this courte upon the xiijth day of
the same terme, yf the said defendants (havinge convenient notice of this order before the said day
of publication) shall not then or in the meane time shewe good matter in this courte to
the contrary.

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